Chapter 14

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Apologies.. I dropped my phone in the bath a few weeks ago and I'm poor as hell so I couldn't afford a new one straight away, I was bathing my son and it was in my hoody pocket, it slipped right into the bath, I felt like an absolute idiot but I'm back and I'm sorry it took so long.


It's been weeks since the adoption was finalized and it's been relatively quiet, too quiet in Davina's opinion, but she used this time to spend with Sirius, it felt like the calm before the storm and she felt she needed to be with her family before the storm finally came, she regularly visited Harry at school to check on him, with every visit included and smirking blond watching her every move, she didn't know if it was the way she dressed or her attitude, she knew she was different from her family, she knew she had a little more money than them, not that she flaunted it around them but she prides herself in her accomplishments, she doesn't know if that's what drew him in or if he's just being a typical Malfoy prat.
She even spent time with Remus, as her boyfriends best friend she wanted to be able to get along with him, she enjoys his company and decided to have afternoon tea every Thursday as to not spend too much time together, Remus told her how jealous Sirius can get and she didn't want to make him feel pushed out.


"Yes darling?" She asked with a smirk, the tone of his voice made it clear he did something.

"I just wanted to be the one to tell you I talked to Harry" he sheepishly said.

"Okay? What's wrong with that?" She asked in confusion.

"Via floo network" he mumbled.

She froze, staring at her mug for a few seconds before slowly turning to him, she didn't say anything but he knew what was coming.

"Listen love, I know it was stupid but I needed to talk to him" he said pleading with her not to react the way he knew she would.

"And a letter wouldn't have sufficed?" She asked lowly.

"Directly love, I needed to talk to him directly, he wrote to me telling me about how that overly giddy toad is treating him and I had to see how he was, I had to hear his voice" he whispered the last part, making Davina's face soften, she knew what he meant, she was lucky to be able to visit, he didn't get that luxury and for that, she felt horrible for how she reacted.

She sighed and pulling him into a hug "I know darling I'm sorry, you don't get the luxury of visiting him, I guess if you're carful I won't stop you" she said and pulled back to kiss him.

"You might not say that when I tell you what happened" he mumbled.

"What happened" she asked.

"I think she's tracking the floo network, her grubby little hands came out towards our faces, I don't know if she knew it was me, but theres a possibility" he explained.

"Oh Sirius, I know you miss him but you have to be more carful" she sighed.

"I know I know but I just needed to see him, to hear him, I don't like the way she's treating him and there's nothing we can do, her head is so far up fudges arse she has full control over the school" he said with sad yet angry eyes.

"I've tried talking to fudge, he thinks the school needs someone like her to put everyone back in their place, it's like she's swayed her way into being in charge, and now with Dumbledore on the run, there's nothing else we can do but wait" Davina explained with sorrow, she hated this just as much as Sirius, but if the DADA position is as cursed as people say, Umbridge won't be there's next year.

"Do you think he'll be alright?" He asked softly.

"I'll visit again tomorrow to check on him, how does that sound" she asked with a smile.

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