Chapter 7

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Sirius waited in the secret room for Davina, it was the day before her birthday and it was the day they was going to sort out whatever problem they had, it was supposed to be yesterday but something came up, something about Fred and George, so Davina needed to rain check, so here he was waiting for her in the room that could be whatever they wanted, today he chose a candle lit room with a fire and roses littered the room in vases, there wasn't a table for a romantic dinner, there was just a couch in front of the fire, the perfect setting to talk.

He was brought out of his thoughts when the door to the room opened and she walked in, he didn't know what it was but she looked exceptionally beautiful today, she wasn't wearing anything extraordinary, just a simple skirt and a top that showed a slit of skin on her belly, just her usual fashion, it must be the candle light and the fire, it illuminated her, she looked like she was glowing, she looked like a goddess, but obviously she didn't see how he was looking at her, no woman can see the way men look at them when they don't believe they are worth looking at.

"Okay Sirius, let's talk" she breathed.

"Okay, so first I want you to explain to my why you feel the way you do, then I'll explain why I feel the way I do" he suggested.

"Well.. you know what happened to me 15 years ago" she stated rather than asked.

"Yes, but what does that have to do with how you feel about Dumbledore?" He asked in confusion.

"And remember how I told you how umbridge dealt with the situation?" She asked and he nodded "Dumbledore.. he kind of.. the prophecy about Harry was just told, I heard my parents and Dumbledore talking about it, it wasn't long befor they kidnapped me, I was just supposed to be for ransom in a way, obviously they're purebloods so it wasn't money they wanted, but Voldemort wanted Dumblefore dead, out of the way do he could kill Harry, so he wanted to do anything he could, including kidnapping an innocent 12 year old, Voldemort gave him an ultimatum, he either came to fight, or he'd kill me, and what did Dumbledore choose to do?" She couldn't finish, it was too painful to talk about, she admired the man for so long just for him to leave her for dead to the death eaters.

"He left you?" He whispered, all she could do was nod.

"And at 12 years old I wondered what I'd done to him to deserve being left for dead, I'd later found out that I was just collateral damage, I was just about to turn 15, walking to potions where I heard Snape and Dumbledore whispering, I got as close as I could without being seen, they were talking about me, Snape asked why it took so long to get me back, he sounded angry telling him no student should be brought into this war, and the only thing Dumbledore had to say for himself was Harry needed to be protected, because he's the one that would have defeated Voldemort once and for all, I was just caught in the cross fire, and all I could think of was how cruel could a man be to bring an innocent baby into a war he shouldn't have had to fight, how could a man leave an innocent child for dead to protect said baby so he can win a war he shouldn't be in" she explained with glassy eyes, he could tell she was trying not to cry.

"So, you was.. you was just an unknown pawn?" He asked, so quietly that she barely heard him.

"Yes, so you see why I don't exactly like him" she said.

"I'm so sorry love" he whispered.

"No I didn't tell you, my mum and dad don't know either" she said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because.. because just like you my parents worship him, he can do no wrong in their eyes and I didn't know if they'd believe me, I don't know if you do bacause if I didn't hear it directly from him, I wouldn't have either" she explained.

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