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5 years later.

"Mummy, when is Harry coming?" Anastasia asked.

"Soon my darling" Davina said to he daughter.

Harry had a rough couple of years after the twins were born, after he and Ginny got married, it didn't go well, they loved each other but they got too much criticism, people said she married her nephew and it got to the point where she couldn't go out without getting harassed, so they both mutually agreed to get a divorce, it hurt them, but after a long talk they realised how weird it was.

Ginny met a handsome quidditch player called Harry, a Muggle born, Davina didn't know which team he played for she was never interested, Harry didn't like it at first, it took him a while to get over it, but he met a lovely woman at the ministry, an auror like him called Josephine, she's incredibly beautiful with dark hair and pale skin, like snow white, they were dating for 2 years before theu got married.

"Is Josie coming too?" She asked.

"Yes, they said they have some news for us" she answered while she cooked.

"My love! I'm home!" Sirius's voice rang through the cottage.

"Daddy!" Ana screamed and ran to her father.

"Hello my princess" he said as he lifted her up.

"Harry's coming daddy, I haven't seen him in ages!" She exclaimed.

"It's only been a few weeks Ana" he said with a chuckle.

"But that's forever!" She countered.

"It's been 4 weeks" he deadpanned.

"How long is that?" She asked.

"Er, 4 weekends?" He said unsure.

"See, that's forever!" She threw her hands up and pushed out of her dad arms to walk away.

"What on god's name is up with the women in this family?" He asked himself.

He walked into the kitchen to find his still very beautiful wife cooking, he looked at her and replayed all the memories they have in his head.

They tried to have another baby a few years ago, but they had no such luck, they thought having the twins was too much for her already traumatized body so they gave up and decided to be happy with what they have.

"Hello love" he said as he walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Hello darling, how was work?" She asked.

"We was on the field today, you remember that dark wizard I told you about? Well we caught him, turns out he's a stray death eater trying to carry on Voldemorts work, trying to recruit people, he didn't get too far, we had to arrest a few other people that walked right into his game, bit that's the last death eater" he explained.

"That's good, I'm glad, I didn't feel safe with him on the streets" she said.

"That's why you have a strong handsome husband to catch all the bad guys" he joked in her ear.

"Oh yes, what would I do without you" she said sarcastically.

"Funny" he deadpanned "anyway, whats this that Ana said about Harry?" He asked.

"He's coming for dinner with Josie, said they had some news for us" she explained.

"Good, only ever see him at work" he said.


Dinner was ready just in time for Harry and Josie to come through the fireplace.

"Oh sweetheart, I've missed you" she said as she walked to Harry to hug him, she gave him a squeeze and pulled back to look at him "have you got older?" She asked.

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