Chapter 27

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The half blood Prince, Hermione was desperate to know who this book belonged to, Harry on the other hand didn't care, he was finally excelling in something, yeah maybe the knowledge came too easy for other people's liking but he was finally good at something, better than Hermione and in all honesty, he loved it.

As Harry sat in the common room reading the potions book which had unknown spells written in the margin, he thought of ways to expose Malfoy, he couldn't understand why Davina was so attached to him, he also wondered why he wants to protect the baby from a distance, he's clearly involved in something dangerous and Harry wants nothing more than to know what.

Everytime he looked at the map, Malfoy would be walking down the same corridors then disappearing, he tried to follow him but he's never close though to see where he goes.

His thoughts went to Ginny, was it weird having a crush on his adopted mothers sister? A few people have pointed it out to him, saying he should give Cho another go because Ginny is technically his auntie now, he doesn't see it like that but he doesn't want to put a name like that on the Weasley family, he can't ask Ron about it that would make things weird, he asked Hermione but she said she didn't see anything wrong with it, he should do whatever makes him happy.

Then his thoughts went to Cho, he'd been avoiding her, the kiss they shared didn't feel right, he didn't feel anything, and it didn't help that she was still grieving over Cedric's death, and with his developing feelings for Ginny he didn't want Cho to have the wrong impression, she'd tried to talk to him but he always had an excuse to leave.

With a sigh he closed the book and put it in his bag, he took the map out to have another look at malfoys whereabouts but again he wasn't seen, he hasn't seen anything for days, it's like he'd suddenly stopped what he was doing, he desperately wanted to be right, not because it was Malfoy, but because he wants to finally have answers to something.


Davina was sat in the kitchen in the order's HQ drinking a special tea her mother made, it was supposed to help the babys development, and since her mother had 8 children she took her word for it, she knew more than Davina did.

"How's the tea dear?" Molly asked.

"It's good, smells awful but it tastes good" she replied.

"This baby will be strong like their mother" she said with a fond smile.

"I hope so mum" was Davina's somber reply.

"What's the matter?" Her mother asked.

"I'm scared, I shouldn't be able to carry children, what if I can't carry full term?" She asked in worry.

"We can't think like that, all we can do is our best, and that's exactly what I know you will do because you my darling Davina are the strongest Weasley, and getting pregnant in the first place just shows you can do anything" Molly replied, "you are giving this family the greatest gift, you gave Harry the greatest gift, and you have a full support system, you're not alone"

Davina sniffed as she teared up, her mother was right, she couldn't put into words how right she was so she took her mother's hand and nodded.

After the heart to heart with her mum she left the kitchen to go to the library, she needed some quite time and the only place no one would disturb her was the library, she has her worries for the pregnancy and it wasn't helping her stress levels that Frederick told her she can't have during a high risk pregnancy, the weekly visits were another stress to deal with, not that she didn't like hearing the progress of her baby but she really didn't like going to the hospital in the first place, and now she's been benched from missions for obvious reasons, she felt utterly useless.

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