Chapter 17

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It feels like it's been weeks that Davina has been in pure darkness.

She didn't know what was happening, all she knew was it was dark and quite, like she's in hell, or on the Malfoy dungeons again, she was scared and she missed her family.

"Davina" whispered a slightly familiar voice.

"Hello!" She yelled back.

"Open your eyes" the distant voice echoed.

Wait, I have my eyes closed? I just thought it was really dark.

She tried to open her eyes, and when she did the light was so blinding she had to close the again, she kept trying till her eyes were finally used to the light, and boy was it bright, she rose to her feet and looked around, she couldn't pin point where she was and it scared her.

"Davina" the voice said sounding a little closer "turn around" and when she did l, it shocked her to the core.

"No" she whispered "am I dead?" She asked.

"Not quite, you're in between, we've been sent here to talk to you" said the very person she never thought she'd ever have to meet, the one and only Lily Potter.

"We?" She asked in confusion "wait, I'm in between? Dies that mean I'm dying? Oh god! Harry! I can leave him" she panicked, then it hit her "Sirius" she whispered.

"How padfoot got a woman like you I'll never know" said the one and only James Potter.

"How you got a woman like Lily I'll never know" she absentmindedly said then realised what she said and gasped slapping her hand over her mouth "I'm so sorry" her voice was muffled with her hands.

James looked at Davina, then at Lily then back at Davina and burst out laughing "did padfoot ever tell you how I got Lily, I'm surprised myself looking back" James said with a grin.

"Toa rag" Lily mumbled but they heard.

"He told me a lot about you both" she said with a smile.

"My you've grown into a beautiful woman haven't you" Lily sighed with a smile "I remember meeting you for the first time, si grown up and understanding what was going on around you, no wonder Sirius loves you" she said.

"He's been my rock, him and Harry" she said with a sheepish smile.

"How is our son" James asked.

"He's had it hard, lost you guys at 1 year old living with your awful sister, no offence, all the dangers he's faced at Hogwarts, I worked for the American ministry for years but I came to visit a lot, met harry in his first year at the station, instant connection, he's like the son I'll never have" she ranted not realising what she said.

"Son you'll never have? How do you know you'll never have a son?" James asked.

"I- I can't have children" she mumbled.

"Oh no! Why?" Lily asked.

"Lucius Malfoy kidnapped me when I was 12 and held me captive for 2 years I think? He tortured me for years with the cruciatus, it made me infertile" she explained in sadness.

"Oh Davina I'm so sorry" Lily breathed.

"I keep thinking I'm not good enough for Sirius, I can't give him children, he keeps saying it's okay he doesn't need children, but I can't help but think he can do better, he loves me I know but how long will that last when he starts to resent me for being sterile?" She asked.

"Davina, you don't know padfoot like I do, he loves with everything he has, and he doesn't bloody stop, I've been his best friend since we was 11 and I've never seen him love anyone the way I've seen him with you" James reassured.

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