Chapter 8

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Today was Davina's birthday, she was told to sleep in and enjoy her day so that's what she did, by mid morning she got out of bed and did her morning routine which took up to an hour because everyone knows she doesn't go a day without her make up, Sirius has asked a few times what the deal was and she just simply said "I'm Davina Weasley, if I don't have something specifically me, who's gonna remember me" it baffled him though, she was special in every way possible and he hated how she couldn't see it.

By lunch time Davina was starving and couldn't wait any longer so she made her way down stairs to make a sandwich, but when she walked in there was already a variety of food on the table, but no one there to explain why then all of the sudden "Happy Birthday!" Everyone walked into the kitchen shouting happy birthday at the same time scaring the living crap out of her, every single member of the family was there including Hermione, and after all that effort she made doing her make up, she ruined it by crying.

"Oh guys! My make up is ruined!" She half cried half laughed.

"Well we couldn't very well let you wake up on your birthday with nothing could we, your gifts are in the living room and I know how you hate opening girfts with a crowd of people so everyone is going to come in with there gift one by one and give it you, as your parents we will go first so everyone out" Mrs Weasley demanded pushing everyone out of the kitchen "Here you go dear" her mother breathed and her and her dad smiled, she knew it wasn't going to be anything extreme, and that was okay, she loved her mum and dad's effort.

She opened her gift and as soon as she did, she froze, she doesn't know how they did it, or how they could afford it but sitting on her lap, was the latest release of the Louis Vuitton bag, a very expensive bag in the muggle world, she stared are it as if it was going to disappear "how?" She whispered.

"We've been saving up dear, we think you deserve something that makes you happy, after everything you've been through, we're just sorry it took so long to do this for you" her dad said.

"Mum, Dad, this must have taken years to save up for! You didn't have to do this I'm happy with anything you get me" she exclaimed, full tears by this point.

"And this is why we think you deserve this dear, you've never asked for anything, you've always been understanding about our money situation and you've helped with your own money, take it dear you of all people deserve it" her mum said as she pulled her oldest child into a loving hug, both crying with happiness.

"Thank you, I can't believe this, the last time I checked this cost at least 1000 muggle pounds, maybe more, please tell me this didn't effect your money dad, I don't want to be the reason you struggle" she whispered.

"It's fine dear, me and your mum did this responsibly, it didn't effect anything" her dad explained.

"I love you guys do much" she said as she pulled her dad into a hug. "We love you too" they replied.

Next was Harry, she was rather interested to see what he got her, what can a 15 year old boy get a 27 year old woman.

"Before I give you this, I want you to know that Sirius told me my parents would approve of you" he said confusing her.

"What's going on Harry?" She asked, but all he did was give her an envelope and a small box, curiously she opened the envelope first, it was a letter.

Dear Davina,

You are the first person in my whole life to show me any sort of love, and for that you are the greatest women to ever walk this earth, you are the first woman to show me the love that was so cruelly taken from me, and I could never ask for anyone better, if I could run away with you, away from this war I would, but as its been said multiple time, I'm the only one who can stop it, so I'm going to fight, not for me, not for anyone, but for you and my parents, I'm going to fight so I can leave my god awful aunt and live with you, and hopefully Sirius if he doesn't mess up.

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