Chapter 31

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Weeks had passed since the teenagers left on their hunt, the children were back at school, Molly and Davina had discussed sending Ginny back, but after receiving an owl about the new law about children being permitted to go, they had very little choice, Ginny chose to go so she could be there with her friends, it wasn't long ago they received their first owl from her explaining the situation at school.

Snape was headmaster and the Carrows were teaching defence against the dark arts, making children perform the cruciatus curse on each other, it was a complete disaster, and there was nothing anyone could do because the ministry, under Voldemorts command, have prohibited parental involvement, ordered to punish anyone who does.

Davina was worried for her sister, she'd gotten a few letters keeping her updated on how the students were treated, she'd made the mistake of telling her she'd tried to steal the sword of gryffindor from Snape's office, she'd been fuming and told her mother immediately, that prompted a lengthy letter in return about her lack of responsibility.

The only upside to the whole situation is Davina and Sirius's blissful sex life and the development of their baby, the pregnancy is now at the 20 weeks mark and they are incredibly excited to find out the gender of the baby, with a simple spell they can find out quickly without the Muggle technology.

Frederick was currently talking them through the process of the gender reveal and wanted to know how they wanted to go about it, on one hand they wanted to know right away, far too excited to wait, but with the doom and gloom mood going around the house at the moment, they thought it might be nice for everyone to find out together, basically what the muggles call a gender reveal party, just without the party.

"So how will we go about it then?" Sirius asked.

"Well, I could blindfold you both, if you're comfortable with that, and I'll perform the spell, it should last a couple of seconds till it fades and I'll be the only one to know, so when we gather everyone in one room, I'll perform a similar spell to reveal the gender to everyone, or, we could call everyone in the room right now and just reveal the baby's gender all together" Frederick explained.

"I think it would be nice to gather everyone after you've done the gender reveal spell, there's not much space on here, plus, it would feel more celebratory with a sort of gender reveal, our family could come and hug me like I know they will without me laying on the bed" Davina suggested.

"Anything my love wants" Sirius simply said.

And so with the blindfolds on, Frederick muttered an incantation and Davina felt a warm sensation in the lower abdomen, indicating the spell had been performed and Frederick knew the gender.

"Oh my Merlin" he mumbled.

"What is it?" Davina asked in panic.

"It's nothing bad dear, just a shock, let's gather your family and reveal the gender shall we" he suggested.

Davina and Sirius had walked around the house gathering every inhabitant to the large kitchen, where they waited for Frederick to explain how he was going to reveal the gender.

"Now, I just want everyone to know, there should only be one string of light coming out of my wand, just for future reference" which confused everyone, no one knew why he'd have to explain that, Molly had a bit of an idea but she kept her mouth shut.

"Okay everyone, let's begin" he said and pulled out his wand, he took a deep breath and prepared himself for the reaction of the parents to be.

"revelare gravida" he mumbled and a pink string of light emitted from his wand telling them the baby was a girl, everyone cheered and went to congratulate the couple, until another string came out revealing the colour blue, which meant the were also having a boy, everyone stopped what they were doing to look from parents to healer and back again, seeing the parents were just as confused as them, they looked back at the healer on question.

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