Chapter 30

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"THE MINISTER HAS FALLEN. SCRIMGEOUR IS DEAD. THEY ARE COMING!" it was that message that sent the whole wedding into a frenzy, but Davina and Sirius's only concern was the teens, knowing they had to leave right now if they wanted to succeed in any way.

"Harry!" Davina heard, it was Hermione, she looked around and saw them apparate just in time, with a sigh of relief she looked for her husband, knowing he wasn't too far from her as he never was, she didn't have to look far, he was running in her direction with a panicked expression.

"We've been advised to go to Aunt Muriel's as a meeting point to discuss our next move, but we need to leave now" Sirius rushed, next she felt the pull of the apparition, then they were at a familiar house in the countryside.

The second they arrived Davina started pacing, worry marring her beautiful features, it worried Sirius to see his wife like that, with a heavy heart he made his way to her and stopped her in her tracks.

"Sit down love" he whispered.

"I can't, I'll just fidget and piss everyone off" she replied and resumed her pacing.

"Do you want some tea?" he asked, knowing her mum was already making some.

"Please" she sighed.

He walked into the kitchen and spotted Molly making said tea "A cup for Davina as well please, she's pacing in the living room" Sirius requested.

"Of course dear" she said with a small smile.

He sat at the table and waited, as worried as he was he knew Harry would do it, he had faith his godson had it in him to defeat Voldemort.

"How is she?" Molly asked, concerned for her daughter.

"Worried, I've never seen her like this" he replied.

"Understandable, she cares for him just as much as you, give her time and just be there for her, I know what she's going through" she advised, remembering the time Davina was kidnapped, and knowing Ron was out there with Harry.

"Thank you Molly, how did you cope, you know when she was taken?" he asked.

"Well, I was more devasted than I'd ever been, it was the worst experience of my life, as a mother not knowing if I'll ever see my child again, I've experienced some heart ache, but not like that, but after some time I had faith that she'll return to us, Arthur was the worst of us both, his first born daughter, daddy's girl, he spent a lot of time with her when she was a child, and to suddenly loose her, it hit him harder than anyone, by that time we'd only had Bill and Charlie, I was pregnant with Ron at the end of her disappearance, we never gave up hope though, and you and Davina shouldn't give up hope that Harry will return to you, just like I know Ron will come home too" Molly explained.

"It must have been hard, I couldn't imagine loosing her now, her, Harry and this baby are all I have left" He said in sadness.

"No, you have a whole support system, a whole family, you have Remus too" she said with finality.

"I wish James was here" he mumbled.

"He's here, you just can't see him" she comforted.

"Do you think he's proud of me?" He asked with vulnerability.

"Of course, you've done well for yourself since your escape, you married the best woman I know" she confirmed.

"I did didn't I" he laughed, she was right, James may not be here in person, but in spirit, he's watching him.

"Now, you take this tea to your wife and I'll cook some dinner" she said and turned back to her task.

He sighed and left the kitchen with her tea to find her back to pacing "Here love" he said holding out the tea for her to take.

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