Chapter 5

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Here's a filler just like I said, I'm not expecting it to be exciting like any other chapter I've done, it's just there because I'm stressed and can't think of anything else to write.


Remus saw the change in his friend, Molly, Arthur and the Weasley children saw a change in Davina, but Harry saw a change in them both, he could see how close they where getting and he could see how happy they where, they seemed to be joined to the hip no matter what, and they seem to disappear for 2 hours everyday, without fail, he always wondered where they went but never asked as he didn't want to over step, it was clearly their time and a secret he didn't think he had the right to know.

Harry would be going back to school in a week, he was excited but also dreading it, with the things being said about him in the prophet he felt like this year was going to be just as bad as every other year, there would be more people accusing him of lying than people that believed him, he wouldn't normally care about what people think of him, there's never been a day in that school where someone doesn't have an opinion about him but when the situation is about Voldemort he was genuinely terrified what people with think, how far will someone go to prove he was lying?

He also didn't want to leave what he, Sirius and Davina had created, they were practically family, dispite Davina's age she's always felt like a mother, and Sirius is his father's best friend, his godfather, he finally felt like he had a family and he didn't want to leave that behind to go to a school that will most likely shun him for his "lies".
He wanted to spend all day with them, have meals with them, sit in the lounge and talk about absolutely anything, talk about his parents with Sirius or talk about the antics that Davina and her siblings got up to as kids, he wanted to watch the two most important people in his life get closer and closer until they aren't afraid to act like a couple in front of people, that's what he wanted for them, because they deserve it more than anyone.

(AN I'm really struggling with this I'm so sorry)

Being an orphan and living with the Dursleys has always made Harry feel unloved, but then he met Davina and she always coddled him, made him feel like he belonged, kissed his cheek with that sort of motherly love he was deprived of, that feeling that was so cruelly taken from him, she always made him feel loved and he knew when he went to the burrow he'd be greeted by her and her motherly cheek kisses and hugs that quite literally took his breath away she held him that tight, but he loved it, he wouldn't change them for anything.
When he told Sirius about his relationship with Davina he looked thrilled and said something along the lines of "well that makes this so much easier then" and when he asked what he meant he replied with "nothing son I'm just happy for you" clearly having some sort of double meaning but he wasn't going to say what he meant so he left it, maybe he'll understand when their relationship grows.

Harry sort of understands what's going on with the to an extent, he's 15 he's not a moron, he has a crush on Cho Chang, he's a total ditz when it comes to her though, and he thinks Ginny's quite lovely, she's beautiful like her sister and he surprisingly doesn't think that's weird to think considering how he sees her sister, either way he thinks she's very beautiful and if he wasn't so caught up on Cho he's probably see her as more than a friend, but after the death of Cedric he doesn't know how long it will take for her to move on and as sensitive as it is he doesn't know how long he's willing to wait.

Harry hasn't quite been himself and everyone's noticed, more specifically Sirius and Davina, he's been having nightmares, seeing Voldemort murdering Cedric mostly and he even felt helpless in his dream, he always woke up with cold sweats and panting like a dog, he opted to not sleeping at all after a while and Davina was the first to notice and she obviously told Sirius, it took a while for him to convince them he was okay but they left him alone after a while, still keeping a watchful eye on him but they backed off, to which he appreciated a lot, with only a week left of the summer holidays he didn't want to get so used to being coddled that he didn't enjoy school anymore, he still basked in the attention he got from them he just tried to step back a little so he didn't hate school wishing he could come home sooner.

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