Chapter 20

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Tw: I'm really sorry but mentions of rape, the scene is a section marked with ** so read till you see those and skip you see them again.

It was dark and damp and extremely familiar, Davina felt a sense of déjà vu as she looked around the dreary room, she noticed the bars so she was clearly in a cell, it was then when the realisation hit her full force, she looked to her left and saw the markings she'd made on the stone wall that helped her keep track of how many days she'd been trapped there.

"No" she whispered "No!" Her voice grew louder with ever chant.

"You didn't really think we'd just let you go did you, sweet girl" the voice of the one man she never wanted to see again said softly in front of her.

"How did I get back here?" She whispered.

"You will never escape us" Lucius Malfoy grinned, opening her cell to walk towards her, like he always did. "You. Are. Mine" he whispered as he crouched.

"It seems me and my son have the same taste in women" he chuckled as he trailed a finger delicately down her cheek, a gesture that's supposed to give butterflies in one's stomach, this made her skin crawl and she felt the need to vomit.

"Sirius will find me" she sneered.


"Oh my dear, you'll never see your precious black again" the sweet tone in his voice mocked her, and with ever sentence his hand wandered, lower, and lower, down to her breasts that he paused at to give a light squeeze "I missed you.. my love" he whispered and went for a kiss, she knew what was to come, it happened everytime he visited her cell, and she knew there was nothing she could do to stop him, so as he placed his grubby lips onto her, she had no choice but to let him, she stopped fighting long ago when she realised it was no use.

She was trembling and her heart was beating rapidly as his hands got too low for her liking, his face in her neck sniffing her and biting her, marking his territory, it was disgusting.

"Please" she begged.

"Oh I've been waiting for this, do you realise how unsatisfied I've been without you, my cock throbs everytime I think of you, I picture you as I fuck my wife, your beauty is rare and I don't intend to let you go again" he mumbled.

All she could do what cry as he ripped her clothes into pieces, his hands leaving harsh bruises, his mouth leaving teeth marks, he lines himself up, a sick grin on his face.

"I will get you back" he whispered.


Davina gasped and shot up in bed breathing heavy with a layer of sweat on her skin, she hadn't had a dream like that in years, it's the one thing people don't know, she was afraid that if people found out they wouldn't look at her the same again, the only thought in their heads being that she was fucked by Lucius Malfoy. She wouldn't wish rape on anybody.

"Love?" Sirius's soft voice rang in her ears.

"I'm okay darling" she whispered.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Nothing, just a nightmare" she explained still sitting with her back to him, she felt his hand on her back and flinched.

"What did you dream about? It must have been pretty bad if you're flinching from my touch" he delicately asked.

"It was nothing, go back to sleep" she mumbled.

"Love, talk to me, it might help" he suggested.

She paused, maybe it will "I was back there" she kept it vague, she didn't want him looking at her differently.

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