Chapter 26

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Dear Davina,

I don't know what to do anymore, I'm running out of time, I can't stall any longer I need to finish this task, my mother's life is on the line, please, whatever it is you're going to do I need you to do it fast.


With a sigh Davina dropped the letter on to the table and ran her hands through her hair, Sirius had spoken to moody and he's doing everything in his power to help, but Dumbledore told them to leave it alone, she didn't know what to think, if Davina didn't know any better she'd say Dumbledore had an elaborate plan, a plan that will hurt people she loved.

"What's wrong love?" Sirius asked when he entered to room.

She just handed him the letter as she rested her head on her hand.

Sirius sighed and placed the letter back in front on her and knelt down to her level.

"We have to act on this love, I'll show moody the letter, but if it comes to it, I'm taking a few people to hogwarts, you stay here, you're pregnancy is high risk, I don't want you in the middle of this" he said softly as he stroked her hair, she just nodded and sighed.

"I love you" he whispered.

"I love you too" she whispered in return and he stood up and left the room, assuming he was going to moody to show him the letter she stood from her chair and went to bed, she needed a nap.


Sirius sighed, he looked down at the letter and sat in front of the fireplace, with Dumbledore being so adamant that the situation is left alone he didn't want to send a patronas incase Alistair was with him so he was just going to floo to his place and hope he isn't too paranoid today.

After landing in Alistair's home he heard noise from another room, indicating he was home, or it was an impostor, but with his high security he very much doubted that, so Sirius made his way to the door to follow the noise.

"Moody! It Sirius!" He shouted.

"The news you've just recently heard, what is it?" He turned around to see moody pointing his wand at him.

"My wife is pregnant" he stated.

Moody lowered his wand with a sigh "It was very stupid of you to come here, I could have acted first" he scolded.

"I know, but I need you to see this" Sirius replied and handed him the letter, moody skimmed through it and frowned.

"He can't stop until your cousin is away from danger" he stated the obvious.

"Yes, what do we do?" Sirius asked desperately.

"We need to get Narcissa out of the manor, it's just getting in that's the problem, we may need to lure her out" he mumbled.

"How?" Sirius asked.

"Owl her, discreetly, did she know of your marauder name back in Hogwarts?" He asked.

"She asked what it meant and I just said it was a nickname, she might remember it" Sirius replied.

"Write to her, tell her you have information she needs to hear, the meeting place will be knockturn ally, she may try to flee but you have to find a way to stop her" Moody instructed.

Sirius nodded and left through the floo network, he went straight to his room finding Davina sleeping, but he didn't have time to appreciate it because he needed to send this letter to his cousin.


Dear Cissa.

We need to meet as soon as possible, preferably tonight at knockturn ally, I have information you need.

Desirée - Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now