Chapter 24

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I've recently found out some really good news which inspired this chapter.


"My wife is sick, there will be no meeting with her today" Sirius said sternly.

"Sirius, this is an important meeting, she must know" Remus tried to reason.

"And I will fill her in once the meeting is over" he replied making eye contact with his oldest friend.

Remus sighed "Is she at least okay?" He asked in defeat.

"Oh I'm glad you asked" Sirius said sarcastically.

"Padfoot" Remus warned.

He sighed and nodded "Yes, she said she's fine, she's got a stomach bug or something, whatever that is, doesn't sound nice, could you imagine a bug in your stomach" Sirius replied, clearly not knowing what a stomach bug was much to Remus's amusement.

"Yes Sirius, a bug in the stomach does sound horrendous" he replied in humour, chuckling at his friend obliviousness.

"What are you laughing at?" He asked.

"Well, a stomach bug doesn't mean there's an actual bug in her stomach, muggles call it that because they don't know what else to call it" Remus answered with a chuckle.

Sirius made an 'o' shape with his mouth "ohh" then suddenly smiled "well that's a relief, I thought a beetle was eating at her insides" he said in relief.

"Bloody purebloods" Remus mumbled rolling his eyes thankful that he didn't hear him.

"She's vomiting a lot though, for a few days actually" Sirius mumbled going back to the worried husband.

"Give it a few more days and she'll be back to normal mate, don't worry" Remus reassured with his hand on his shoulder.

"Who's sick?" The sudden voice of Molly reached them, startling them.

"Davina, she's been vomiting for the past few days, she says it's a stomach bug" Sirius replied.

"I'll see if she's okay, there's a few potions and natural herbal remedies I know if that can help" Molly said as she set off up the stairs.

"When the bloody hell did she get here?" Sirius asked.

"While you was worrying about your wife, making me worry too, we mustn't have heard her floo in" Remus replied.

With a huff Sirius turned and walked away leaving Remus to watch him in amusement, he'd always been one for dramatics, it just seemed to get worse with age.

"And that's why your animagus is a bloody dog, you're dramatic!" Remus shouted.

"Shut it, you're a dog too!" He shouted back in frustration.

Remus just chuckled and walked towards the fireplace, he had a mission do to with the werewolves, and even with Sirius and Davina's trust in Dumbledore dwindled he didn't want to let the old wizard down.


"How's Davina?" Hermione asked the boy who lived.

"Sirius wrote to me last night, she's still vomiting up everything she eats" Harry replied in worry.

"Poor Vina, do they know what's wrong?" Hermione asked.

"She says it's a stomach bug but Sirius and Mrs Weasley have agreed to bring a healer in" he replied.

"A stomach bug shouldn't last this long" Hermione absentmindedly said to herself.

"She has a bug in her stomach!?" Ron asked alarmed.

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