Chapter 25

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The appointment for the baby had been a success, the baby was healthy and there was no problem with the uterus, they didn't hear a heartbeat but Frederick said it was normal, sometimes the heartbeat doesn't develop until 6 weeks.

The married couple was on there way to an apparition point to apparate to hogsmead to tell the kids the good news, Davina was the most excited to tell Harry, she felt like a little good news would be good in these dark times.

It only took a few minutes to walk to their destination and then it only took seconds to make it to hogsmead.

"Oh the memories" Sirius breathed.

"It's been a while for you hasn't it darling" Davina pointed out.

"The last time I was here, me and James were on our way to meet Remus and Peter, they were waiting over by that tree and we decided to give them a scare, so prongs took out his invisibility cloak and put it over us so we could sneak up on them, moony never was stupid enough to fall for it, but wormtail, I think he pissed himself" Sirius reminisced fondly.

"I bet you had loads of fun in Hogwarts didn't you" she laughed.

"Oh yeah, we had a blast, the pranks we pulled love, you'd have loved to be there, I wish you'd have known me back then, i was a completely different person" he explained.

"Do you think we'd have got together if I did, or would you still be sleeping around?" She asked.

"I think, if you'd have met me in the 70s, and I saw you for the first time, I'd fall in love with you just as I have now, time would never change that" he answered as he looked into her eyes, they'd stopped walking by now and he had his hands on her face "how about a butterbeer, or a hot chocolate for you love?" He asked.

"I don't see why not" she giggled as he lead to the three broomsticks.

They entered the bar and was instantly greeted with fond memories.

"Well I never!" Came the voice of madam Rosemerta "I heard you cleared your name, I never believed it for a second" she exclaimed.

"Glad I had someone on my side" he said with a fond smile.

"Is that Davina Weasley I see" she whispered to Sirius.

"It's Davina black now" he said fondly as he looked back at his wife who sat at a booth.

"No! Oh Sirius you've picked yourself a good one, so what will it be, two butterbeers?" She asked.

"No, just one for me and a hot chocolate for her" he replied.

"Now if I remember correctly, Davina had an obsession with butterbeer, now, she's either expecting, or she's lost her bloody marbles" Rosemerta mumbled as she prepared their drinks.

Sirius just looked at her and smiled, just that single look and the barmaid knew, her eyes bulged out of her sockets at the realisation.

"You're going to be a father!" She asked in shock.

"It was a shock for us too, but yes, and we couldn't be any more happy" he replied with a grin "she's the love of my life" he whispered.

"Well I'm happy for you doll" she said as she placed their drinks on the counter, Sirius went to take some gold out of his pocket when she shook her head "on the house, it's the least you deserve" she said and turned to walk away before he had the chance to protest.

Sirius walked to his wife and placed her hot chocolate in front of her as he sat down himself.

"Thank you darling" she mumbled.

"You're welcome love, how are you feeling?" He asked.

"I feel a little nauseous but now I know why it's all worth it" she replied with a smile.

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