Chapter 9

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Been MIA I know, there's a bug going round and my family got hit with it, my poor kids, everyone's okay the most complaints I got was from the man child I'm marrying.


There was a case of jealousy in the order regarding Sirius and Davina's new relationship, a pretty woman named Jane, she's been trying to gain Sirius's attention since she joined but he didn't pay any mind, but as soon as the ginger bitch comes he's head over heels for her, she didn't understand, what does she have the I don't she thought, it's been a few weeks and everyone's back at Hogwarts so it's just the adults, Jane's been trying to get Sirius's attention for the last hour but his eyes are solely on his precious girlfriend, she's been waiting for Davina to leave the room so she can approach him, and with that thought Davina kissed Sirius and left the room, she didn't know how long she had so she had to work fast, she approached him, hips swaying and a flirty smile on her face.

"Hi Sirius" she said in a sultry tone that he'd heard a thousand times, this is going to cause trouble.

"Jane" he replied curtly, she paid no mind to it, hoping it was just because he was busy and not because he wasn't interested.

"You've been spending all your time with Davina and no time at all with m-anyone else" she's joked, only she half meant it.

"We have similar interests, we both spend time with Harry and I admire her willingness to be his mother when he asked.. and she's my girlfriend" he explained and turned to walk away, but she followed, she wouldn't have much time Davina could be back soon.

"But does that mean you can't hang out with friends?" She asked.

"I do, Remus and I spend 2 hours a day together" he explained.

"Am I not your friend" she asked a little hurt.

"I mean, you can be, if you want, but if I'm being honest Jane, I've been a bit of a loner since I broke out of azkaban and I prefer it that way" he explained.

"How does the lovely Davina feel about your incarceration?" She asked, he didn't miss the tone in her voice when she said lovely, he was beginning to get uncomfortable.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

"Well is she okay with it? Because I mean.. I'm perfectly fine with it, it wasn't your fault" she whispered moving closer to him.

He sighed, she's stepping on dangerous territory "Jane, I need you to step back, if Davina comes in and finds you this close to me we're both fucked" he said stepping back.

"Oh she doesn't control you does she? Bloody hell Sirius you can do better than that" she laughed mockingly, setting something off within him.

"Oh yeah? Who? You? Because if you hadn't noticed I wasn't interested in even sleeping with anyone until Davina came along, doesn't that say enough? How can you stand there and blatantly flirt with another woman's boyfriend, there's only so much dignity a woman has before it starts to look desperate.. let me ask you something, have I ever given you the impression I'm interested in you? Because if I have I'm sorry, Davina's it for me, what we have is special, she makes me feel something I've never felt before, so if you're plan is to shift my interests, you've failed miserably and you've humiliated yourself" he ranted and turned to walk away, utterly humiliated she glared at the table, something had to be done, if she can't have him she'll ruin him.

"That was rather stupid" she heard a voice behind he, she turned around to see the woman herself smirking "What did you expect, he hadn't shown any interest in anyone until I came, try and explain how he'd suddenly be interested in you, you're pathetic Jane" Davina said and stepped closer to Jane so she was in her face "if you ever come onto my boyfriend again, I'll end you, you're life in the order will be over, you won't see this house again" she whispered, and turned to walk away but stopped, turning back to her.

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