Chapter 28

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Something felt off, Davina felt it and as she looked out of her bedroom window she saw the storm brewing, with the children at Hogwarts she felt a little better for their safety, but she still felt like something bad was going to happen.

She was now 12 weeks into her pregnancy, typically out of the danger zone for most soon to be mother's but Fredrick wants to keep observing her, just fortnightly now as she hasn't had any problems, she still isn't showing but she heard with the first child women tend not to show till a little later.

Sirius stormed into the room with a panicked look on his face "we need to go to Hogwarts, Dumbledores dead" he rasped.

"What? But how?" She asked panicked, she may not have trusted him but he was still their leader.

"Death eaters got into the castle" he explained as they walked to the fireplace.

"But how? Draco stopped fixing the vanishing cabinet" she asked confined.

"They either found another way or they found someone else to fix it" he explained "Hogwarts!" Sirius yelled as he dropped the floo powder while holding his wife, suddenly they were in the headmasters office, without a thought they rushed to the hospital wing where they knew Harry was.

"Harry!" Davina yelled as she ran into the hospital wing in a frantic state.

"Vina!" Harry yelled in relief.

"What happened?" She asked in a panic as she checked him for injuries.

"They found a replacement for Malfoy, but he couldn't do it, in the end it was Snape, I watched him cast the killing curse" Harry explained.

"Snape?" Remus asked "so you were right" he mumbled.

"Yes, everyone has a habit of brushing peoples concerns off like it's nothing in this organization" Davina mumbled so only Harry and Sirius heard.

Harry always wondered why Davina never trusted Dumbledore, she never told him, but she also never told him what decisions to make when it came to trusting Dumbledore himself, never fed him anything to sway him, and he was grateful for that, but now Davina feels it would have been easier on him now if she'd have told him who Dumbledore really was.

"What are we going to do?" She asked.

"We go on like we're supposed to" Minerva answered with tears still falling.

"I wish I could help more" she mumbled.

"We don't want to risk you and the baby" Molly said with a sigh.

"I can still be useful, I'll stay at headquarters and brew healing potions while everyone is in battle" she said, knowing it's the best she can do.

"That will keep my mind as ease love" Sirius said as he kissed her head.

"Now has anyone put any thought into the wedding?" Davina asked.

"Yes, we're going to do it how you did, at the house with a tent outside for the ceremony, Bill and Fleur are okay with something small, especially with what's going on" Molly explained.

"Well at least I can help with that" she said with a smile "Make my brother's day special, I'd like nothing more" she said hugging her brother.

"It's going to be special anyway but thank you" Bill laughed.

"Oh yes, look who your marrying! You could both get married at kings cross and it would still be special" she giggled and Fleur pulled her into a hug.

"We'll get through this, we'll win, and everyone will live their lives like we're supposed to" said Arthur the ever wise man he is.

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