Chapter 29

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It was chaos at the Burrow during the end of summer, with the wedding drawing nearer everyone was running themselves ragged with wedding preparations, Molly tried her absolute hardest to get the children involved, telling them they can't be lazy, but Davina knew the real reason, she knew her mother was just delaying their inevitable departure, she said nothing though, obviously wanting the same thing, so she left her mother to it and got on with her own assigned jobs.

"Oi Vina! tell mum to lay off will you" Ron ran over with an irritated look on his face.

"Sorry brother, got to keep up with these jobs" she said and scurried away, she heard him groan but only smirked and kept going.

"You know you have to let them go" the voice of her loving husband said from behind her.

"They don't leave till after the wedding, I'm just letting my mum think she slowing them down" she explained.

"But when the time comes, you have to let them go" he said.

"How are you okay with this?" she asked in frustration.

"Oh I'm not, but i can't stop them, they're dead set on going" he reassured.

She just huffed and continued to hand the decorations in the tent. 

After hours of work, everything was ready, which Davina was thankful for because the wedding was tomorrow, the married couple will be staying at the burrow because Davina is helping Fleur into her dress tomorrow with Hermione and Ginny, and Sirius will be helping Bill get ready, but as the wedding draws nearer, do does Harry's inevitable departure, along with her brother, and she was terrified. 


Davina woke to a rapid knocking on her door, grumbling she untangled herself from her husband and answered the door, her sister stood in a pj's looking just as grumpy.

"Mum told me to wake you" and with that the youngest Weasley was gone, Davina growled and shut her door, preparing the wake the beast.

"Siri, wake up we have a wedding to get ready for" Davina said but there was no sound or movement. she huffed and made her way to the bed "Sirius!" she rose her voice hoping the get at least a stir, nothing, so she took her pillow and swung it hard onto her face, finally eliciting a groan.

"What you do that for?" he mumbled, voice laced with sleep.

"I did try to wake you, come on we have a wedding to get ready for" she said.

"Five more minutes" he mumbled and turned his back to her, next thing he knows her cold and wet, he shot up out of bed and looked at his very happy smirking wife.

"Davina!" he exclaimed, shocked she didn't even warn him.

"Good you're up, lets go" she said and left the room.

"You're evil!" he yelled after her, he didn't get a response so he huffed and made a start on the day ahead.

After a very hot shower, Sirius went down stairs for some breakfast, he was not spending the day getting ready and helping Bill get ready on an empty stomach.

It had been a long time since he'd done anything that warranted dress robes, the last time he'd wore anything extravagant was at the Yule Ball he'd attended in his 7th year at Hogwarts, as a groomsman, it was required for Sirius to wear them, not that he minded, it would be nice for Davina to see him look nice for once, it just felt different.


Davina was in one of the bedrooms helping Fleur get ready, she was in the middle of doing her make up when Hermione walked in.

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