Chapter 15

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Weeks after her visit to the castle, Davina was relishing in the calm, she hasn't felt relaxed in weeks and Harry wrote to them telling them that he was doing better so they were finally making the most of the quiet, Davina still had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen but she didn't want to think about that just yet.

"So what's going on with Dora and Remus?" Davina asked Sirius and they snuggle on the couch.

"Dora likes him but moony keeps trying to pull back, I know he likes her but because he's a werewolf he won't give it a try out of fear" he explained.

"Did he do this when you were teenagers?" She asked.

"Yeah, he had a couple of girlfriend but they only lasted a few weeks, he ended the relationships when they started asking questions" he said with a sigh.

"But Dora knows" she said with furrowed brows.

"Exactly what I said to him but he doesn't want to risk hurting her" he replied with a sad smile.

"Bloody men" she mumbled.

"Hey! I'm not that bad" he exclaimed.

"No, you was rather easy to sway, I just had to smile at you, there was that time where you didn't think you was good enough but that only lasted a week before your ego took over and you realised you was perfect for me" she joked.

"Thanks love, I feel the love" he said sarcastically.

"You know I love you Siri" she said as she turned her head and kissed him, the kiss lasted a few seconds before they were pulled apart by a pop, indicating someone aperated, they looked to the door and saw Dora looking frantic and worried.

"Dora! What's wrong?" Davina asked.

"It's Harry, he's gone to the ministry, he thinks Voldemort has you in the department of mysteries and he's gone with his friends to get you" she explained breathlessly, Sirius and Davina looked at eachother and simultaneously jumped to action.

When they aperated to the department of mysteries they saw a few death eaters holding the children, Lucius was talking to Harry and Sirius's deranged cousin Bellatrix was prancing around like the lunatic she was, everything moved so fast, Sirius was behind Lucius in seconds.

"Get away from my godson" he growled and punched Malfoy knocking him down, that's when the fight broke out, hex's and jinx's flying and dark curses being thrown at the adults that come to save the children.

"Sirius! Take Harry for cover! I'll hold them off till you get back!" Davina shouted over the commotion.

When Sirius took Harry and the children ran for cover Davina fought alongside Remus, Dora and the rest of the order, blocking whatever curse was coming for them and throwing hex's at the dark witches and wizards, Sirius was back in the fight and he looked like he was having the time of his life.

A curse was coming for Davina but it was blocked by Harry who joined the fight.

"Nice one James!" Sirius exclaimed.

It happened so fast, one minute they were smiling and enjoying the fight the next everything changed.

"Avada Kadavra!" Davina saw it fortunately, but she didn't know what to do other than jump infront of Sirius wrapping her arms around him as the killing curse hit her in the back her eyes wide as she looked into Sirius's panicked and devastated ones.

"No no no no no" Sirius mumbled.

"DAVINA!" The heartbroken and devastated cries of Ron and Harry was heard as a crying Arthur had to hold Ron back and Remus held Harry back.

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