Chapter 11

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The worst thing about waiting for any new on the adoption was knowing it might not happen, Davina has been waiting for 3 weeks and there was still no word, she even apperated to the Burrow the see if the owl had delivered it there but there was nothing, and an even worse fear was that she didn't know how Harry would react, he might have said she was his mother figure but adoption is a whole other story, he could think she's trying to replace his mother, which she wasn't, Lily brought Harry onto this world and there's no one in this world that can take her place, she just hoped Harry saw that too.

"Sirius, how long does it take to adopt someone, bloody hell!" She exclaimed.

"I don't know love I've never adopted anyone" he said in amusement.

"Oh ha ha, you're hilarious" she huffed.

"I'm sorry, but you have to admit that was a bloody stupid question" he laughed.

"I think it was quite reasonable if you ask me" she grunted.

"But no one did ask you" they both turned their heads to see Bill, Sirius laughed but Davina didn't find the amusement in it.

"Shut up" she huffed, she can't help being in a bad mood, three weeks of waiting to hear back from the minister was torture.

As a moody Davina made a cup of tea for her and Sirius, Charlie came into the kitchen.

"There's a posh looking owl at the window" he said in confusion, with that Davina moved in a flash to the sitting room to see what it was, hoping it was the ministers owl with good news, she took the letter and just as she thought, it was addressed to her in very neat, cursive writing, but she didn't want to open it.

"Come on then what does it say?" Sirius asked.

"I'm scared, I don't want to open it, you do it" she said while shoving the letter into his chest like she would catch a deadly disease from it.

And because Sirius would do anything for her, he opened the letter scanning his eyes over the words to find any bad news.

"I think you should read it love" he whispered, the tone of his voice brought tears to her eyes assuming it wasn't good news.

"It's bad isn't it?" She asked, her voice cracking.

"Just read it, you'll see" he said with a reasuring smile.

She took the letter and read the whole thing carefully, not wanting miss a single detail.

Dear ms Weasley,

It has come to my attention that you have recently asked for help from the minister with the adoption of Mr Harry Potter, now as previous events have shown Mr Potter has shown signs of neglect and malnurishment, his reasons behind his accusations is in my opinion, a cry for attention, it has also come to my attention that the reason he is living with his relatives is for his protection, but if we can look into it further, we can find an alternative protection charm to ensure his safety, I have no idea what he needs protection from but as a ministry official it is my job to ensure the safety of every wizard in the United Kingdom, please get in touch with the stand in head on the wizingamot and we will schedule an appointment, and owl as soon as possible preferably.


Mrs Gertrude Blackthorn.

Temporary Head of the Wizingamot.

"Oh my god" she breathed, she couldn't believe it, they were truly trying to help her.

"Told you" Sirius chuckled bringing her into a hug.

"I need to write back as soon as possible, get me some ink please darling, and bring it to my room I ran out" she rushed out and took off up stairs to her room to get the parchment and quil.

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