Chapter 6

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It's Davina's 27th birthday in 3 days, Sirius has big plans, he still wishes he can take her out but their secret room is enough until his name is cleared. Sirius wants to have a full family meal and party, Molly and Arthur have agreed to help and Bill and Charlie have said they'll go and pick up his gift for her, the orders already been put in and paid for the same way he did for Harry's firebolt.

Things had been going really well for the couple, they'd been spending a lot of time together and they can finally say they know each other rather well, it's too early to call it love, especially since Sirius hadn't felt it before and Davina never trusted anyone to fall too deep with someone, but like the start of any relationship, they were infatuated, they were close, pretty much obsessed with each other but wouldn't quite call it love yet, they both knew they wanted each other, but wanted to take it slow, afraid that if they rushed into it they'd destroy any chance they have, and for Sirius this could be his only chance with anyone for a long time.

"Molly" Sirius whispered as he stood next to her while she magically washed the dishes "I need to tell you something, it's a secret you need to know in order for you to understand how I'm going to get Davina away on her birthday" he mumbled, looking around the kitchen to make sure his future girlfriend doesn't walk in.

"Okay" She replied.

"I need you to keep this to yourself, if you wish to tell Arthur I quite understand, I'd hate to keep secrets from my wife if I had one" he said, still looking at the kitchen doorway "there's a secret room in the house my father had built when I was a child, it's like the room of requirements at Hogwarts, except you don't have to wish for it to appear, there is a secret way in, I'm going to take Davina in there for a birthday date and it will give you and everyone else time to set up, however way you wish to do it, she is your daughter after all" he mumbled, he was hanging over her so she could hear but still watching to doorway.

"Yes, that would be perfect, how do you feel about a family dinner, just us Weasley's, you, Harry and Hermione, then the rest of the order can apperate outside the house at 6:30 and we can start the party, whatever works for you Sirius this is your house" Molly said, rather tenderly, having no idea why he brushed it off as a soft voice for secrecy.

"But she's your daughter, you do what you want for her, I already have something planned for us anyway" he said about to walk away to put an end to the conversation, he didn't want to risk her hearing.

"Can I ask you something?" She reluctantly asked.

"Sure" he replied.

"You and Davina.. How serious is this? I mean how do you feel about her?" She asked.

He paused, thinking of the right way to answer "When I met her, when I first laid eyes on her, this beautiful fiery red head that stormed into my kitchen so full of anger, as I watched her fight for what she believed in, my first impression of her was how bloody beautiful she is, then I thought of how passionate she is in fighting this war just as we all are, and right there and then I saw the courage and fire she has, and I needed to get to know her, she's not just any woman and as much as I don't feel like I deserve her, i want to be selfish and have her" he explained passionately "With your blessing Molly, I'd like to make our relationship official, on her birthday, I have a gift worthy of her, it will be the perfect way to ask her to officially be my girlfriend" he breathed.

"You're asking my permission to ask my daughter to be your girlfriend?" She asked to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

"I know I don't deserve her, but she really is the most amazing woman I've ever met, I'd be stupid to let her slip away, and I know the age gap is rather large but my feelings for her are more pure than I've ever felt in my life, I can't possibly pass up on this, I'm asking you because I respect you not only as her mother, but as a person and a member of this order, I'd really love to be with your daughter" Sirius said hopefully.

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