Chapter 13

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Harry was wandering the halls with Ron and Hermione lost in thought while his best friend's bickered, he was thinking about Dumbledores army, terrified that they're going to get caught, he looked up and there stood Malfoy with his weird cronies, smirking at him like something was going to happen, like they knew something, he stared at him trying to figure out what he was thinking, he was brought out of his thought when he heard clicking of heels, and the only person he knows that wears heels is Davina, he smiled and turned around, there she was strutting down the hall with a smile on her face, it's not the first time she come to the school like this to see him.

"Davina" he breathed and ran to her, she pulled him into a hug.

"Hello Harry" she breathed.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here Vina, are you trying to embarrass us" Ron asked.

"Ronald" Hermione scolded "it's good to see you Vina, but what are you doing here exactly?" She asked politely.

"Don't worry about it Mione, my brother's an ass" she stated bluntly, he mumbled 'screw off' as she looked at Hermione "I have some news" she said and the continued walking, Davina's heels clicking gaining the attention of the Slytherins, who watched her legs move elegantly in her skirt that ended mid thigh, she gave Harry the documents "read" she ordered and he took them, he slowed his walk as he read them, then as he got to the important bit, he stopped.

"Wait" he whispered "Davina is this what I think it is?" He asked.

"What" Ron said as he and Hermione looked over his shoulder to read it, both gasping when they saw the word adoption.

"Yes love, it is, what do you think?" She asked.

"I think it's the best thing to happen to me since I found out about magic" he exclaimed and crashed into her, they squeezed eachother, all the while they didn't realise they'd stopped in front of Malfoy and his friends who were listening.

"Why couldn't mum do it?" Ron asked looking at his sister.

"Because I wanted to, mums got enough kids, I can't have any, but atleast I can have Harry" she explained, then she smirked at her brother "how's it feel Ron?" She asked.

"What?" He replied confused, that smirk meant she was up to something.

"That your sister is adopting your best friend" she laughed, she watched her brothers face morph into something that told her he was mortified.

"Shove off! I was okay with it till you worded it like that you bloody spoon!" He yelled, all while she laughed, a laugh that caused different reactions, Ron was mad, Harry and Hermione

"You don't have to go back there Harry, come summer you can live with me and-" she looked to her left and saw Malfoy watching them "and snuffles" she finished looking back at Harry.

"Snuffles?" He asked.

"My dog Harry, you know the black one that follows me around the house like he's lost" she explained hoping he got the joke, he thought for a moment then burst out laughing.

"Brilliant" he gasped "bloody brilliant" he said and sighed looking back at Davina.

"So this is it? You're officially my mother?" He asked.

"I'm adopting you, your mother is Lily and I'll never replace her, I may not be your mother, but you'll be the son I always wanted" she said smiling, then remember they were being watched "can I help you?" She asked looking at Malfoy.

"Yeah" he said as he strolled over to the group looking Davina up and down "how are you a Weasley?" He asked "you're gorgeous" he bluntly stated, she looked at him like he had 2 heads, he basically said her looks define her heritage? That makes no sense.

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