Chapter 3

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Harry had been gone a few hours, the first hour Sirius and Davina didn't seem to think about it considering they had eachothers company, but they started to get restless, worrying about the hearing hoping he hasn't been expelled. They was sitting in the lounge not talking, side by side waiting for his return, they wanted him to feel like he had someone waiting for him when he walked through the front door so that's exactly what they did, waited. Maybe half an hour of sitting on the couch the front door opened, so they jumped up and watched in the direction they heard footsteps to see if it was Harry, and when he walked into their field of view Davina was the first to run to him, fawning over him like a mother to her child, asking questions about the hearing and if he was okay. Sirius chuckled as he followed and left her to do what she wanted before pulling him into a hug himself asking if he was okay much more calmly than the terrifying red head.

"I didn't get expelled, there was this woman though, umbridge, she was dead set on me not going back to Hogwarts, she didn't seem to like me much" Harry explained how the hearing went, turns out dumbledore came at the very last minute.

Davina looked at Sirius, they shared a knowing look before looking back at Harry "Yeah she's a character, she's not very fond of half breeds and muggle Born's, I mean she was never as bad as the Malfoys when it came to muggle Born's but she hates half breeds, like Remus and Hagrid" Davina explained.

"Yeah best to stay out of her way if she has it out for you Harry" Sirius said.

"She never really put in much effort in a search party when I was taken by death eaters, she said I was caladeral damage, in other words I was a blood traitor and didn't deserve to be here" the red head fumed.

"Oh my god" Sirius breathed in realisation, "I remember the whole order fuming about it, I didn't know it was you because I didn't know you but thinking back it was obviously about you" he looked at her, he felt terrible, he never thought much of it because he had all his friends with him, he didn't worry about anyone else.

"It was a long time ago love I'm okay now" Davina assured him, though it helped a little he still felt terrible.


Everyone had dinner and was just about ready for bed, Davina and Sirius wanted a little longer together so they said good night to everyone, hugged Harry while Davina hugged her her siblings and Hermione too and waited till the very last person had left the room before they made their way to their designated rooms, walking slowly so they could talk a little longer, and to their disappointment they got to their rooms faster than they wanted.

"Goodnight love" Sirius said softly, his hand on her arm.

"Goodnight" she whispered. She really didn't want to leave with just a simple goodnight, so with all her gryffindor courage, she took a step towards him slowly, his hand still on her arm, she raised her hand to his face and kissed his cheek, much like she did in the library, but this time she didn't pull away, he felt her breath on his face and wanted so bad to turn his head towards her, but he wanted to take it slow, he didn't want to rush it with her, so he did the next best thing, he moved his head slightly and pressed his lips on her cheek like she did to him, they stayed like this for a few seconds before she pulled back slightly to look in his eyes.

"Goodnight" she whispered again and backed up towards her door, still looking at him she opened it and stepped inside and closed the door, not taking her eyes off him till she shut the door.

"Goodnight" he whispered after she's shut the door, then he walked to his own door and went into his room, stripping down to his boxers he got in bed, sleep didn't come to either of them though, they both lay on their backs looking at the ceiling thinking of each other. If this is what it's like now, just the second day of knowing eachother, they both wondered where they would be in a few weeks.

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