Chapter 1.

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She was angry.

No one told her about the order of the phoenix after everything she's been through. Although she understands their reluctance to let her join, she just wants to help. Does nobody think she can handle the pressure? Is she really that weak that nobody has any faith in her?

"MUM!" Everybody froze in their spot, even Sirius, despite not knowing the voice, he wasn't expecting an unknown voice to echo through his family home, he didn't understand why everyone was so terrified though, he supposed it did sound quite terrifying.

"Oh no" The pudgy little woman whispered as she backed up a little hoping to avoid the anger of her daughter.

"DAD!" This time everyone jumped, the volume of the voice startling them.

"We're in trouble" The kind mans heart sank a little, he felt the worst about the whole situation out of everyone, it was never his intention to make her feel weak and he knew that's exactly what it did.

There she was, stood at the kitchen door in all the feiry angry glory, Davina Weasley, the oldest of the Weasley siblings and the one with the short temper. As the Weasley children stood away from the crossfire, Molly and Arthur took their first step towards their angry daughter.

"Darling, I know your angry-"

Davina cut her mother off with the famous Weasley women look "Do you all think I'm weak?" She asked in a voice so calm it terrified all that knew her.

"No love, we jus-" It was her father to be cut off this time.

"Do you have no faith in me? Am I that bloody broken that I can't be a part of this?" She asked, her voice cracked at the end, and that when they knew they messed up, they broke her heart.

Molly took a deep breath, willing herself not to cry "Davina, you must understand this is not about your strength, this is about mine and your father's fear of losing you again, we love you, and the last thing we want is for them to take you away" With all the will she had not to cry when she started talking, it crumbled with the memory of her daughter being dragged away by a death eater who is still alive to this day.

Davina's eyes softened, yes, she understood, she understood completely, her parents love her and they're scared, despite the anger that is still there, she smiled at her mother with tears in her eyes, there is no way she could hold a grudge against them for being scared of loosing her again. She remembers being trapped in the malfoys dungeons, the only reason she knew where she was is because that bitch Bellatrix came down everyday to taunt her about it, with the occasional Cruciatus curse, oh how she wishes she could forget.

She looked from her mother to her her father, then back to her mother "Guys, I'm fine, it doesn't even effect me anymore" It does, she still has nightmares about it, she still had PTSD and she still had the occasional panick attack here and there, but she's fine, she can handle the panick attacks herself, and she doesn't wake up screaming anymore.

"If you think you can do this love, then who are we to stop you? You're the oldest of your siblings, Bill and Charlie have joined so we have no right to stop you" Arthur said with guilt in his kind eyes.

"I promise dad, and the second I'm a liability, you can bench me, I won't fight you on it" Davina was more than happy to just know what's going on, going on missions is just a bonus, and she gets to spend time with her friend and old colleague Remus, who stood on the other side of the kitchen smiling at her.

"I'm more than happy to work with you Vina" Remus, the ever loving werewolf who was the first to befriend her while she was a professor at Hogwarts.

"As an auror she should have been one of the first candidates!" Grunted the grumpy auror, another wizard she appreciated, especially after he personally trained her when she was found.

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