Chapter 16

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The air was thick with grief and dispair, no body knew what to do with themselves after the reality sunk in, their beloved Davina Weasley was dead and there was no time turner to go back and change it, everyone was devastated.

Everyone was effected by it in their own way, the Weasley's lost a daughter and sister, Remus Lupin lost a friend, someone he could talk to, Hermione lost a best friend, a sister in every way but blood, Harry lost a mother again, and Sirius Black lost the love of his life, the woman he was going to marry, and of anyone was effected the most by it, it was him, because he was the only one to look into her eyes and watch the life leave them, Sirius will never be the same again.


"The oldest Weasley girl, it's dead" said the soft hissing voice of the dark lord while he sat the the head of the long table filled with his inner circle, Draco Malfoy being unable to attend the meeting.

"And I killed her!" The crazed Lestrange cackled, a cackle that even sent shivers down her husband's spine.

"How can you be sure" said one of the dark lords trusted death eaters.

"I used the killing curse on her you daft prick" Glared the evil witch.

"It's true, I watched it happen" Lucius mumbled.

"I was aiming for my blood traitor cousin but she jumped in front of him, no matter, this is much better, he can suffer now" Bellatrix said with an evil chuckle.

"Might I also point out that this may weaken the boy" Lucius mumbled as he leaned a little towards his master.

"And why would that be Lucius?" He hissed softly.

"Weasley recently adopted the boy, which means they was closer than we thought, Potter was devastated when he saw her fall today" Lucius explained.

"This changes everything" he sighed with a smile.

"I don't understand my lord" Amycus Carrow stated in confusion.

"Don't you see Mr Carrow? With Davina Weasley dead, Harry Potter is weak" he explained, but most of them still didn't look like they understood so he sighed and explained further "Lucius, please explain to these idiots what this means" he mumbled as he rose from his seat to stand in front of the green fire.

"Ms Weasley adopted Potter and the adoption was only finalized a mere week ago, now she's dead, it means he's weak, he's lost yet another mother" Lucius explained, them the look of understanding came to everyone's faces, then evils smiles, then evil laughs and chuckles.

*Meanwhile at Hogwarts*

"Are you okay?" Hermione carefully asked Harry, who hasn't said a word to anyone since the incident, he didn't even want to be at school.

"Yeah" he mumbled but didn't look up from the floor, she just sighed knowing he wasn't okay but she knew if she asked again he'd loose his temper.

He walked ahead of them still looking at the floor, he half expected her to walk down the hall to see him like she always did when something was wrong, but he knew it wasn't going to happen.

"What's wrong Potter, didn't get an interview with the prophet this week?" Malfoy spat with a sneer, but he didn't get the reaction he wanted, Harry looked at him, then turned him back on him to walk down the hall "Hey! What happened to the fight you had last week?! Fight back!" But he didn't get a reaction, Harry just kept walking, he knew what would make him tick "your mudblood friend will join your mudblood mother soon Potter, just you watch!" And that did it.

Harry's wand was out and at Malfoy's throat before he could say Avada Kadavra and his back hit the wall with such force he couldn't help but wince "Don't. Bring my mother into this" Harry warned with so much venom the baselisk would be jealous.

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