Chapter 19

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So.. the plan was to give Sirius a nice love story where he survives and gets married, I don't know how it went from that to adopting Harry, and I've read over a few chapters and realised how cringy it is, but there so much of that adoption in the story it will take so much time and effort to remove that storyline, so it's staying, but I'm not gonna have Harry call her mum, that's just too cringy, he's old enough the know who his mum is, the adoption is to save him from his evil relatives, just remember I'm not a writer and I don't have a way with words like most people on here do, just bare that in mind when you read and think "the hell is this shit?" You're more than welcome to your opinion though.


Weeks after the miracle resurrection, the family went back into normal routine, the order was back on schedule and it was nearly the end of another school year, the only thing that had changed was Davina and Sirius took a leaf out of Remus's book and bought a cottage in the countryside with high security, the floo network only open to certain people like the Weasley's and the order, protection spell after protection spell set the keep Harry safe when he was home, and lastly, they made Dumbledore their secret keeper, which Sirius said James and Lilly should have done to begin with, they may not trust the old wizard anymore but he was the most powerful wizard in Britain and his priority is keeping Harry safe, something they all had in common, so ignoring the smug look on his face the couple went through with the complicated charm and got on with their lives the only way they could during an upcoming war.

The couple were currently unpacking boxes of their packed belongings from Sirius's family's house, with magic of course. As bits and bobs flew past their heads they had beaming smiles on their faces, they had never left happier knowing this was their place, they finally had a place to call their own and they knew Harry would be safe, they would never be able to start a family knowing Davina's condition, but they didn't care, and as much as Davina would have loved to raise a baby of her own with Sirius, and Sirius's own feelings about a baby with Davina, they were happy with the life they had, they came to terms with it, they were as happy as they could be despite war heading their way.

"Darling?" Davina's soft voice broke Sirius out of his thoughts.

"Yes love" Sirius breathed.

"Are you happy?" She asked softly.

He looked at her dead in the eye and smiled "more than anything" he replied with complete truth and admiration.

He took the few steps it took to his love and wrapped his arms around her waist, gazed into her eyes with all the love he could fathom for her and just kissed her, it's was a soft kiss but the passion behind it made her moan, not only in pleasure, but at the intensity of the kiss, it lasted a few seconds but it was enough to show how much he loved her, and she got the picture pretty quickly when the kiss escalated into breathy moans and heavy kisses, making their way to their just recently packed bedroom where they made love for the first time in their new house.


Their heavy breathing was all they heard as Davina lay on Sirius's shoulder, both gazing at eachother like every other time they made love, it was just as intense as the act itself, as they lay naked with the covers at their waist and Davina chest down on Sirius's side so she had a little modesty incase anyone flooed in unexpectedly.

"I love you so much" Sirius whispered.

"And I love you" she replied softly.

But it didn't get the reaction she expected, he'd normally beam at her and kiss her, but he looked troubled, so she moved over his chest so she was looking down at him, her red hair framing her face falling on his chest.

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