Chapter 23

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"Voldemort is knowingly back, Fudge has resigned, this can only mean one thing.. we're officially at war" Remus said miserably.

"Yes" Davina sighed, she's been married for 3 weeks and their already planning a war.

"I'm sorry love, I know this isn't how you wanted our honeymoon to be" Sirius mumbled in her ear.

"We can have a honeymoon when that noseless bastard is dead for good this time" she whispered.

"We need a plan of action, we need to be prepared for anything, we're very lucky there was no ambush at the wedding" Kingsley's voice boomed.

The order was currently holding a meeting, now with the knowledge that Voldemort is at large people were panicking and with the children back at Hogwarts, the adults could finally put a plan together, and when Harry visits for Christmas, he'll be brought up to speed, because despite Davina and Sirius's chagrin, he seems to be the only one who can defeat him.

"I don't feel right putting Harry through this!" Davina exclaimed abruptly jumping out of her seat.

"Dumbledore said-"

"I don't give a shit! We didn't just adopt him because we love him, we did it to protect him, and look what bloody good that's doing! He's 16! How can you all just sit there and be okay with this because Dumbledore said so!" She yelled, but she didn't give them a chance to reply because she stormed out of the kitchen.

"She's just worried is all, but she has a point, I don't think I can let my boy fight alone" Sirius defended.

"He won't fight alone, he has all of us" Tonks tried.

"He will have to fight Voldemort alone Dora, don't you see? The only person the old snake will fight is Harry" he replied.

"And you don't think he can do it?" Kingsley asked.

"I know he can, I just don't feel right taking the risk, he's a boy who has the whole wizarding world on his shoulders, counting on him to win another war, and he's only 16" Sirius explained.

"And we will protect him" Kingsley finalized.

Sirius sighed knowing he wasn't getting through to them and stood from his seat "I'll go check on her" he mumbled and walked away.

"What if he doesn't survive this?" Remus asked.

"Then he dies for a good cause" was Kingsley's blunt reply.

This time it was Molly who lost her temper "you're telling me you're perfectly okay letting a young boy die?!" She exclaimed.

"Would you rather one boy die, or a million Muggleborns?" He asked.

No one answered, but it was clear what was right, and everyone knew what Harry would do in the end, he'd die to save the world, yet they all agreed not to say a word to Davina and Sirius out of genuine fear of how they'd react.


"Come here love" Sirius whispered as he pulled his wife into his arms.

"I'm sorry for my outburst" she cried softly in his chest.

"It's okay, it's okay, just calm down alright, no one is going to hurt Harry if we can help it" he reassured/calmed her.

"I just don't want anything to happen to him" she sniffled.

"No one does" he replied.

"They don't seem to care about his safety though, what Dumbledore says goes and it pisses me off!" She exclaimed pushing herself out of Sirius's arms.

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