Chapter 12

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Hi guys, I'm really sorry for the extra slow update, my whole family suffered with covid individually, it's started with my fiancé, then me, then my 2 poor babies got it, my son suffered the worst we got stuck in the hospital for 2 weeks because he was struggling to breath, he already has asthma so it scared the shit out me.


Davina was scared to visit the home of Gertrude, she didn't know what to expect and she didn't want to accidentally give any information that could jeopardize the order, or even worse, Sirius's whereabouts, this woman could do anything, she's very powerful in the ministry and she could do anything to the people she loved, so as she stood outside the very elegant house, she hesitated for a good minute before knocking on the door then ringing the doorbell, just like Gertrude told her to so she knew it was her.

After a minute of waiting, a beautiful woman with wavy blond hair opened the door and smiled "Davina Weasley, my my you look just like your father" she breathed, Davina smiled, she knew that, and she was proud of it.

"I know" she chuckled "I just have to ask, what do you know about my family?" She asked, she didn't want the financial situation to effect the adoption.

"I know enough to know that you are from a very loving and close family, something young Mr Potter needs, especially with his current living situation, and who his godfather is, now please come in, we have a lot to talk about" Gertrude stepped aside for Davina to enter the house, it took everything in her not to flinch at the mention of her boyfriend.

She stepped through the threshold and smiled slightly, still not sure about what was about to happen "Would you like some tea, I have special teabags imported from Brazil, it's quite lovely and refreshing" Gertrude asked, Davina could already tell this woman was rich, she didn't seem stuck up, but she liked to have money.

"Please" she breathed, what harm could a Brazilian cup of tea do? This woman didn't seem to be the type of person to spike her tea with anything.

"Ms Weasley, I just want to start with saying that everything I am about to tell you, I mean no harm and I am completely on your side" Gertrude started as she made the tea.

"Okay?" She replied, sounding more like a question.

"And I don't want to alarm you in any way, if you start to feel uncomfortable with anything I am about to say, just say so, this tea is also a calming tea, I understand you may be nervous and don't quite trust me, so this will calm them" she said as she walked with a fancy silver teapot and little flowery teacups on a silver tray.

"Mrs Blackthorn, how exactly do you know of my trust issues, I haven't given any indication that I don't trust you?" She asked skeptically.

"Just a reminder, the tea is Brazilian camomile, it's very calming" she reminded, Davina didn't understand her obsession with the tea but she took a sip anyway, it was indeed camomile, but definitely imported "I know of the order" Gertrude blurted out quickly, making Davina choke on her second sip of tea, coughing up the bit she inhaled after she gasped while she was taking a sip.

"Excuse me? I have no idea what you mean" she whispered.

"Ms Weasley, please do not be alarmed, I know of the order, and I also know you-know-who is back" she said looking Davina straight in the eyes, that was the moment she knew she was telling the truth.

She put her tea down slowly, she didn't want to spill it on the clean expensive looking carpet.

"So.. what does this mean then? Are you going to inform the minister? Will it effect the adoption process?" She asked, panicking on the inside to quite composed on the outside.

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