Chapter 33

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Everything was finally as it should be, after the battle things went back to normal, or as normal as it could be.

The Malfoys moved out of the manor and found a smaller home, not by much because it's the Malfoys, nothing but luxury for them.

Hermione found a flat in London that Draco visits regularly, Hermione visits their new home but she and Narcissa are still getting used to each other so it's not as regular as Draco's visits.

Ron finally saw Lavender for her amazing qualities not just the annoying ones, now he smiles at her annoying traits and he basks her tendency to be overly affectionate, they started dating not long after the battle, Ron felt he needed to check on her especially after she got the scar on her face trying to save his brother, after spending time together Ron saw her for the beautiful person she is, with or without the scar, and her feeling never left.

Harry and Ginny didn't want to wait, they took a page out of Davina and Sirius's book and quickly got married, they live in Potter manor where his grandparents lived with his dad, Sirius got a little emotional when he walked into the house and saw a portrait of Fleamont and Euphemia smiling at him.

As for Davina and Sirius, he had to be there for her after Fred's death, it was a long time after the battle that she finishes greiving, she finally stopped waking up in the night crying and she isn't force fed every meal anymore.

Davina is on her last few weeks of pregnancy, Sirius finds her more and more beautiful everyday, even if she thinks otherwise.

Her ankles are swollen and her feet and back ache, she suffers with headaches and feels like she's carrying more than 2 babies, she's miserable and she makes sure everyone knows about it.

Lucius was in azkaban awaiting trial, it upset Draco and Narcissa because of the simple fact he's family, but he did it to himself and dragged them into it, they got let off for their help island because they sacrificed themselves in the final battle.


"How long am I going to have to wait!?" Davina exclaimed, again letting everyone know how miserable she is.

"Not long now love" Sirius mumbled as he read a letter from Harry.

"You say that every time, can we speed up the process, oh! I know, we can have sex, that till work" she jumped up and smiled.

"Oh you know I can't say no to that" he said putting the letter down and taking his wife, who giggled in delight.

*Slight smut*

He kissed her heatedly, quite literally felt every inch of her body, running his hands up her thighs and kissing down her bump to make his way to where he really wanted to be.

He made it to his destination and made quick work on her, his fingers inside her and his tongue doing the rest, it wasn't long until he brought her to her climax.

*End of smut*

She didn't even get chance to calm down before she felt a cramping pain in her abdomen.

"Sirius" she breathed.

"Yes love I know I'm good" he replied making his way back up.

"No, well yes darling you are but, I think it's time" she replied.

He shot up and looked at her "what?" He asked.

"Babies, coming" she gritted through the pain.

"Oh... Oh! Okay let's go!" He exclaimed running round the bedroom in a panic looking for her hospital bag while Davina sat up and watched him in amusement.

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