Chapter 18

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"let's go find my brother and Hermione, how is Ron, he didn't do anything stupid did he?" Davina asked.

"Honestly, I don't know, he hasn't been seen since we came back to school" he replied absentmindedly wondering where his best friend was.

"Oh no, that can't be good" she mumbled, already leaving the headmasters office to look for Ron.

As they stormed through the halls looking for Ron they got funny looks from everyone they passed, rightfully so as last they heard she was dead.

"I can see the headlines now 'Harry Potter lies again' I can't catch a break" Harry mumbled.

"Why would people think your lying?" She asked curiously.

"I had an outburst, lost my temper at Malfoy, and anyone who was close knew you had died and naturally by the end of the day everyone at Hogwarts found out" He explained.

"Oh Harry, don't worry love I'll sort out any nasty comments, Sirius too since he's a free man" Davina said as she saw Hermione "Mione!!" She yelled from across the courtyard, the bushy head of said girl shot up from her seat as she saw the supposedly dead Weasley woman.

"Vina!! How?! I watched you die!" Hermione yelled as she ran into her arms.

"Well you can thank Harry's parents for me being back, apparently, my love for Sirius and the fact that I saved him gave Merlin enough reason to give me a choice" she explained quietly.

"A choice?" Harry asked.

"Yes, I could have stayed there in piece, or I could come back and fight, naturally I came back, there was no way I was going to leave you, Sirius or any of my family, speaking of, where's Ron?" Davina asked in a rush.

"Don't know, he's not been seen, he's even missed his meals" Hermione mumbled.

"Oh Merlin, I have to find him!" Davina exclaimed "expecto partonum! Sirius I don't know how long I'll be, Ron's missing and I think he might be blaming my death on himself!" She recorded loud and clear and sent the patronus to her love.

With that they ran off to look for Ron, searched every room and corridor but he was no where to be found, but Davina saw a head of blond hair, head down aimlessly walking down the corridor, she didn't think he'd have seen Ron but it was worth the asked.

"Draco!" She shouted running towards him, his head shot up and he looked shocked, his eyes were wide and his mouth was hanging open "have you seen my brother by any chance?" She asked out of breath, but he didn't say anything, he just stared at her in shock "Draco! Come on love talk to me, you seen Ron, I'm afraid he might do something stupid" she exclaimed grabbing his arm, that brought him out of his shock.

"Er yeah.. he's at the black lake last I saw" he stuttered, she was about to run but he grabbed her arm to stop her "wait! I though you were dead" he mumbled.

She just smiled and shook her head "he sent me back" she whispered.

"Who!" He asked in confusion.

"Merlin" she simply stated before running off to the black lake, Draco watched her leave still processing the fact she's not dead, or back from the dead.

"Bloody Weasley" he mumbled without the usual venom.

Davina along with 2 out of 3 of the trio ran out towards the black lake, and luck was clearly on their side as they saw the clear head of red hair sat trowing rocks into the black lake aggressively, the tentacles of the giant squid coming to the surface everytime.

"Careful brother, that thing will come out and strangle you" Davina mused as she slowly approached the depressed boy, who in turn froze his arm in mid air at hearing her voice.

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