Chapter 22

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It was happy day for everyone, especially Sirius and Davina, it was their wedding day and they couldn't be happier, both of them had expected to feel nervous and anxious but all they welt was excitement, Davina couldn't wait to be Mrs Davina Black, and Sirius just couldn't wait to make her his wife, after everything he went through he was finally getting his happy ending, or as he like to say, happy beginning, because it was only the beginning of their story.

"You look beautiful" Molly whispered.

"Thank you mum" she replied with a wide beaming smile.

"I can't believe you're getting married" Ginny teased.

"Why, did you think I'd be alone forever?" She asked sarcastically.

"Yes, I've never seen you with anyone apart from Sirius, you're first relationship and your marrying him" she explained seriously.

"Well there is a reason for that Gin, I just prefer not to talk about it" she said with a sigh "let's focus on my wedding day though" she quickly changed the subject to avoid having to talk about her ordeal with the oldest Malfoy.

"Yes, and in an hour you need to leave this room and get in the car, I've just had a patronas from Harry, the guests are beginning to arrive and Sirius is nearly ready" Hermione ordered.

"Yes ma'am" Davina salutes.

"Quit joking, I didn't work this hard for you to mess it up" she scolded.

"It's my wedding, I can't mess it up, I turn up when I turn up!" She exclaimed.

"Yes, on schedule" she replied, bluntly.

"Merlin help me" Molly whispered "right, let do the finishing touches, you have my bracelet, something borrowed, you have you aunt Muriel's broach, something blue, you have the hair slide, something old, and you have the necklace we all pitched in to buy you, something new, as far as Muggle traditions go, that was far too much effort, I prefer a wizard wedding" she checked off everything on the list, Davina was pretty much ready.

"The veil" Ginny said as she picked it up "pass me the slide mum" she ordered, the thin lacy fabric was going to be held on by the old family heirloom, Ginny crunched the veil a little on the edge so the tiara had something to hold onto, she placed it carefully on top of the neat bun in the middle of the back of her head and slipped the teeth of the hair slide through the mesh and into the top of the bun.

"There, Sirius won't be able to take his eyes off you" Ginny grinned.

"Thank you for helping me guys" Davina said with a thankful smile.

"It's what family's for" Molly said.


Meanwhile at the church.

"You think James is watching?" Sirius asked Remus.

"Of course, he always did say he wanted to see you get married, said it would most likely be on the brink of war" Remus joked.

"And he was bloody right, again" he replied with an amused smile.

"Why did he think it would be at the brink of war?" Harry asked.

"Because unlike your father who's always been in love with your mother, Sirius never settled, he always jumped from girl to girl in Hogwarts, there's only one girl he was serious about and even then it wasn't as serious as marriage" Remus explained.

"Who was the girl?" Harry asked curiously.

"The exact woman who arranged your adoption, she'll be here today actually, despite her being my ex, Davina wanted to invite her" Sirius replied.

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