Back to You| Part 2

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"Finnie, let's go," The guard pulled me out to where my mom was standing waiting for me

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"Finnie, let's go," The guard pulled me out to where my mom was standing waiting for me. I got out today, and boy can I say that I am so excited to see my baby the right way. I honestly don't know how I got out... I killed someone, but it wasn't like I had a choice either, he tried to kill my daughter, and me in our own house. I had no choice.

It hurt not to be around her for that long, I'm always with her, I've never been without my baby for a long period until I went to jail. "Do anything you weren't supposed to while you were in there?" mom asked when she started to drive off.

I leaned my head on the window, "I slept with a girl". "Wow, um, that's different... how many times?" she asked. I giggled, "mom! I am not talking about my sex life with you!". "Sorry," she snorted.

We pulled up to her house.

"Go take your shower, I'll go get Rosa," she told me and I nodded. My room looked exactly the same as when I left.


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Rosalia *these are both in her mom's house btw

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Rosalia *these are both in her mom's house btw.*

It felt like I was in the shower forever, but I didn't care. By the time I got out, I heard Cesar's voice downstairs, causing a smile to plaster on my face as I got dressed.

"Yeah, the surprise is in mommy's room," I heard my mom say walking up the stairs with Rosa and Cesar. "Papi, is it big?" she asked Cesar. "I don't know what it is," he chuckled. I stood behind the door.

I heard the door open, then Rosa go to shut it. She squealed when she saw me and I picked her up, hugging her. "I missed you, mommy!" she smiled. "I missed you too baby," I kissed her cheek. "Come on Rosie, let's let mommy and daddy talk," Mom grabbed her from me, shutting the door when walking out.

There was an awkward silence, of just pure staring at each other. He made the first move by slamming me against the wall, kissing me really hard. "I missed you too," I giggled into the kiss. "I can't believe you're here," he smiled when he pulled away.

"Me either," I smiled on his lips. "Less talking," He picked me up, then carried me to the bed. He trailed kisses down my body one by one, as he removed my top. I broke the kiss to remove his hoodie, revealing his abs.

I ran my hand over them, admiring his figure. I unbuckled his belt, as he took off my pants, while my underwear went down with them. He kicked off his jeans, leaving him in only his boxers, then me completely naked.

I hooked my fingers on the trim of his boxers, sliding them down so that he could kick them off. I began to stroke it up and down, getting slight groans from him. I looked him in the eyes biting my lip, then spit on the tip and started to suck.

"Monse..." he groaned as I went faster. He started fingering me as I did so, causing me to moan softly. A few minutes later I felt him cum in my mouth, I swallowed it fast. He pushed me down so that I was lying flat on my back.

He put a condom on and proceeded to stroke inside me, slow, fast, mid-tempo, really fast/hard. I moaned in his ear, causing him to go wayyyy faster. "Cesar," I moaned out his name, as I held onto his back.

I felt myself reaching the ending point, that's when I came all over the condom, he came inside the condom. He pulled out and removed the condom off his penis, tossing it in the trash can beside my bed.

"Well, I definitely missed that," he smirked, laying next to me. "Of course," I chuckled, as we put our clothes back on.

"I've got to go. Family dinner at 8?" He asked. "You know it," I kissed him before he walked out. I smiled to myself, remembering what just encountered a few minutes ago. I grabbed my phone out of the top dresser drawer, where it remained before I got arrested.

I walked into my bathroom to brush my teeth again, I kiss my daughter with these juicy lips, considering I just sucked her dad's di-

After I did that, I walked down the hall to Rosa's room. I crawled up the stairs of her castle bed, as it appeared she was playing a game on her laptop. "Whatcha doin'?" I smiled, crawling next to her. "Playing Roblox with Carla. Uncle June teached us how to play," she smiled.

"You wanna go out with Papi and me?" I asked. She nodded while continuing to play her game. "Monse!" I heard my mom yell for me. "Hold up!" I yelled back. "I'll be back, baby," I told her. "Okay," she twisted her lip. She's addicted to that shit.

"Yeah?" I sat across from her. "What happened... that night?" she asked. I went fully into detail when she asked.


Rosalia and I hid in the closet from Latrelle. He shot a couple of times, but we didn't get hit. I covered Rosa's mouth, so, he couldn't hear her cries. We were both covered in mulch from running away from him.

I heard him enter the room, starting to shoot. "I love you, Rosa," I kissed her before walking out of the closet. His eyes drew onto me with a smirk, "you decided you wanted a real man after all".

I went along, "yeah, I've come to the realization that you're the man I've always wanted". He came closer to me, holding the gun down towards the floor. He leaned down to kiss me, which he was always a bad kisser.

He pulled the trigger trying to shoot me again, but instead, he shot himself. That's when I should've stopped, called the police, told them he'd shot himself instead of me, but I took the fall.


"Why would you take the fall Monse? You do realize you only got out because they found out you framed yourself for that right?" she shook her head. "I'm sorry..." I looked down. "You don't have to apologize Monse. None of it was your fault. You did what you had to do for Rosa," she put her hand on mine.


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