Workin' On It| Part 16

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"Ugh, thank god you're not one of those mom's whose houses are messy, full of toys," Jasmine sits on the couch next to me

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"Ugh, thank god you're not one of those mom's whose houses are messy, full of toys," Jasmine sits on the couch next to me. She came all this way from California just to see us, that's why she's my best friend, she was there all the time when I was an emotional wreck 'cause my baby died.

"My kids hate messes," I shrug. "Now, Mariella just wants to be held all the time, so she doesn't really make a mess," I take a few sips of my hot tea from my mug. "So, what's new with you?" she smiles a little. I throw my head back, "you really want it all?".

"Mira, I see you on TV all the time. You literally produced a whole show with all of us, so spill it," she gives me a look. "Okay, okay. I have a friend, his name is Chris but we're FWB, took a break from acting and alcohol which was desperately needed but then I went back, so I'm still on acting but I'm dropping the alcohol 'cause whatever I be drinkin' ain't it, that's all," I shrug.

"Damn, all that happened within 3 months?" she furrows her brows. "It wasn't that much, but yeah. Oh, don't worry about Chris 'cause I know how you get. I'm on birth control, I have been since Ella was born," I reassure her. "Good, girl, you don't need no more kids," she scoffs.

"My pussy's hangin' on for dear life," I shake my head. "I can't with you," she laughs. "Mija, how many fan pages do you have?" she sends me a post on Instagram. "More than ten," I look at the post, commenting myself.

 "More than ten," I look at the post, commenting myself

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Liked by, rosalia_f, and 246 others

@monsesbby - Y'all can't tell me she ain't sexy... or the sexiest.

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@monselina_ - You're the sweetest🌹 ily😘

I can hear Mariella crying, well, whining from upstairs. 'Welp, nap time's over," I get up. Jasmine follows me upstairs to her room. "Hi, baby," I pick her up out of the crib, she instantly stops whining. "Is this Miss Clingy?" Jasmine boops her pacifier. "Yes," I chuckle.

"Can I hold you?" she reaches out for her. Mari quickly moves so Jasmine can hold her. "Aww," Mari lays her head on Jas' shoulder wrapping her arms around her neck. "Don't get too attached. I'm still your mama," I boop her nose smiling a little.

I hear the front door closing signaling the girls are home from school. I grab Mari from Jasmine, then we walk downstairs. I walk up to Rosa whose holding ice on her nose, "Mami, what happened?". I examine her face. "I got in a fight," she throws her bag on the floor storming off.

"Wha... I'm sorry, Nali, how was your day?" I bend down to kiss Analia on the cheek. "Good for me. Bad for her," she shrugs hugging Jasmine, "hi Tia". She smiles. "Hey, girly," she hugs her back. I pick Rosa's bag up off the floor, "I'ma go check on her". I go upstairs to her room.

I close her door quietly, she's on her phone basically cuddling her pillow faced away from the door. I set her book bag down on her vanity chair. I sit next to her, putting Mari in my lap, "talk to me. What happened?". She turns off her phone setting it down on the pillow.

"This bi- girl wanted to talk all this stuff on me, so we fought each other..." she tells me. "Why didn't you call me?" I sigh. "Got physical before anything was done," she shrugs. "You can't be out here fighting people, it's not right. You should've talked it out, squashed it," I sigh.

"She initiated it," she scoffs. "I get that, but I know how you get when you're angry, you get like me... I'm just crazier," I giggle at the last part. "Okay," she reaches over to hug me. "Principal said detention for a month or suspension for a week. He said he texted you," she pulls away.

"I didn't see it..." I pull out my phone, scrolling through my old notifications. I finally find the message, "suspension it is". I sigh. "Anyways, we're going out, get ready," I pat her thigh. "Where?" she furrows her brows. "Girl, that's for me to know and you to find out," I wink.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, get out," she gets up, pushing me out of the room.

Monse's doing really good

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Monse's doing really good... physically I don't know about emotionally. But, from what I'm seeing, also told by Rosalia she got it together. I've been here for about a week, Monse really does stick to her word especially with her drinking. She's so strong, raising three girls by herself.

Cesar's just a disappointment, period. He knocked her up with another baby, then just dipped out on her. Pendejo. But, not everything is on Cesar, 'cause Monse can't keep her legs closed when it comes to him... "Waaaaa," Monse mocked Mari's crying. "Leave her alone," I giggle.

"No," she puts her in the highchair. "I'm sorry your mama's starving you," I try calming her down. "She's cranky..." Monse pours baby cereal into the baby food, "not starving". She mixes it together. "Okay, okay it's here," she sits down in front of Mari, she finally stops crying.

I sigh, "you make me want a baby, Mons". I watch as she feeds her small bites of baby food. "So, you do want a baby," she smirks. "Yes," I twist my lip. "Aww, I'd impregnate you if I could," she smiles. "This is why I love you," I laugh, she really makes my day.

Rosa walks into the kitchen where we're sitting at the spare table, "can we go to the beach tomorrow?". Monse gives a hesitant look. "I'll keep the girls," I mouth smiling a little. "Of course," she smiles at her. "Yes!" she hugs Monse tightly, Monse hugs her back.


~Short, but next chapter will be at the beach, :)

~Thoughts and opinions on Jasmine?

~Thoughts and opinions on Rosa?

~Thoughts and opinions on Monse?

~Rosa getting in a fight?

~How Monse handled the whole fight situation?

~Make sure to VOTE and answer all questions above <3

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