Sad| Part 26

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"MONSE!" I feel Riley jump on me

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"MONSE!" I feel Riley jump on me. I slowly open my eyes, "what?". "Daddy said come eat, he said you have to eat something," she crawls under the blanket with me. "But i'm not hungry," I rest my chin on top of her head. "You have to get better," she looks up at me with her big ass eyes. "I know," i take a deep breath.

"Eat, please," she smiles a little. "Only if you eat with me," I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "Okay," she smiles and pulls me up. I barely made it down the stairs. "We missed you," rosalia hugs me. She's finally back. "I... missed you guys too," i hug her back. "Is Chris still teaching you how to speak better English?" she sits back down. "No, he is leaving me in the dust," i sit down.

"And you need to prop your foot up," i set her leg up on the chair. "Look who finally stopped being depressed," Chris kisses me and sets a plate of food in front of me. "I wasnt depressed, i just didn't feel good. But thank you," i smile. He just smiles and sits down across from Rosa, but next to me and on the other side of him is Cj.

Rosa is sitting next to me and on the other side of her is Mari, next to mari is nali, and next to nali is the ferret... at my table. Riley is sitting next to Cj. "Christopher Marquise Jones, please be on top of her English," Rosa shakes her head. "She blackmailed me! With something i shall not name, but it was peer pressure!" he defends.

"You're lying, my moms a virgin. She would never do such a disturbing thing," she scoffs. "Cause she does it in the butt!" Nali giggles with a noodle hanging out her mouth. "That was supposed to stay between us," i playfully roll my eyes and pop a piece of my food in the baby's mouth.

"Mmm, yummyyy," she smiles, showing her little teeth at the bottom. "That's gross," Riley scrunches up her face. Chris smirks at me. "No," i shake my head. "She probably farts and he didn't wanna hear it," Cj laughs and so do all of the kids. "Wanna hear a story?" Chris cocks his head at Rosa. "Always," she sets her fork down.

"I met your mom at a bar-" she cuts him off, "okay, first and foremost. Why were YOU at a bar while pregnant?" she furrows her brows. "I was picking Dom up and i was thirsty so i came in and she gave me pink lemonade," i open my water bottle. "Oh okay," she looks me up and down. "Anyways- i said the smallest- simplest sentence to her and she didn't understand it," he snorts.

"Shut up," i hide my face out of embarrassment. "I asked if i could get her number," he moves my hands off of my face. "How did you not understand that?" Rosa laughs. "No one's ever asked for my number before. We usually just go back to their place and never speak to each other again," i shrug. I was a little whore back then.

"Welp. One time i asked if my friend could come over and she couldn't even understand that. Then had the nerve to speak to me in spanish, "No lo entiendo, lo digo en espanol, por favor" as if i feel like doing that because you cant understand a simple sentence," she scoffs.

"Rosalia, Quiere hacerlo en el trasero realmente mal y estoy un poco en ello, pero no quiero que lo sepa. Que debo hacer?" shes literally my therapist, and Chris hates it when we speak spanish only cause he can't understand and he's better off not knowing about this one.

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