Aint shit|28

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"Stop," i laugh

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"Stop," i laugh. "You don't like it?" Chris asks. "It feels funny, no i don't," i laugh harder. "What is so funny?" he pulls out. "It just is," i held in my laugh, "you like it in my ass?". "It's too tight," he shakes his head. "Hmmm," i raise my brow as i move from my spot. I let out a moan as i slowly pressed down into him.

I gripped onto the head board, rocking my hips back and forth. I threw my head back as he thrusted up into me. He picked me up and slammed me against the wall continuing to pound inside of me. With every stroke, my moans got louder. "Ay dios mío," i cried out as i gripped onto his shoulders. The eye contact made it better.

"Faster," i gasped.

He was rocking my world and i couldn't bare to let him stop. I slipped my tongue into his mouth as our movements were in sync. "I love you so fucking much," his strokes got deeper and faster. "I love you too," i threw my head back. My body twitched and i felt lightheaded. My movements against his stopped and i clenched, "i'm cumming". I squeeze my eyes shut.

He laid me down on the bed and went in deep. He groaned as i felt him release inside of me. His body went limp on top of mine. "Uhh, you're heavy," i tap his shoulder, "i'm 98 pounds, i'll break". He chuckles and gets off of me. "Thanks," i grab my towel, "open up a window or something". I want food. After my almost 2 hour shower, i like to bug Rosa.

I knocked on her door, "hey, what are you doing in there? I don't like locked doors!". Ever since I introduced her to my sisters, she will not detach from Aj. "Stay out there!" I listen to them giggle. "It's not funny," I whine, "you never do fun stuff with me". "Because you're not fun," Rosa shouts. I roll my eyes and kick the door open, "you take my tininess for granted and I don't like it".

"Clearly," Aj starts lining Rosa's lips.

"And just because I'm tiny, you think i'm always angry," i pout, sitting on her bed. "I mean... you did just kick the door open," Rosa side eyes me. "I'm bored, do you guys wanna get food?" I unlock my phone. "You weren't bored an hour ago," Aj mumbles. "Shut up," i suck my teeth, looking at all of my missed calls from Nali. Her and Mari went over to Cesar's for the week.

Chris has a flight to catch soon, so it's just gonna be Rosa and I. Rosa doesn't like going over to Cesar's, and she won't tell me why, so she gets the option to stay home. I immediately call her back. "What's wrong? Why do you keep calling me?" I furrow my brows. "I- I- forgot my blanket an- and I can't sleep without it," Nali bursts into tears. "Calm down, baby. I'll bring it," I sigh.

"When?" she sniffles.

"Give me like 30 minutes."

"Okay, bye," she hangs up. "Are you guys coming?" I get up. "As long as I can still get food!" Rosa claps. Aj looks back at me, "what she said". I roll my eyes as I go into Rosa's closet. "Hey! Get out!" Rosa pulls me away. "I need shoes," I push her off of me. "These are nice," I grab a pair of her crocs. "Why do you steal my shoes?" she frowns. I have no clue, actually.

"Why do you steal my clothes? As we speak, you're wearing my shirt," I eye her up and down. "I'm sensing some tension," Aj pulls Rosa close to her, "let's go". It kind of bothers me how close they are... They barely know each other. Stop it, Monse, you're not allowed to be jealous. "Do you guys like my car that's way bigger than me, but can fit my whole family inside?" I grin.

"It's great actually. There's enough room to blame people for kicking Nali," Rosa smirks opening the door. "So it was you?" I arch my brow. "Who else would it have been?" she shrugs, getting into the car. These fucking kids. "Why is there a car seat under you..." Aj asks as I drive off. "Figure it out," I roll my eyes. "I didn't know you were that short, Mo," she snickers.

"I like big things tho."

"I could've went the rest of my life without hearing that," Rosa puts her AirPods in. "So, you excited about this wedding?" Aj asks. Hell no. "If I'm being honest... no. I'm gonna be so real right now, I don't feel the love," I sigh, "all we do is work and fuck. We don't do couple things, even when the kids are gone, and he's been so mean to me lately, y'all know i'm sensitive".

"And it just feels weird cause I'm used to going on dates and stuff with Cesar, but Chris is so boring. I only said yes 'cause my kids love him, and he's talkin' bout a baby-" she cuts me off, "what?!". "Yes! He's insane! I still have a baby, what makes him think I want another one?" I scoff. "His at that," she points out. "Exactly! We barely talk to each other, why would I want your baby?" I shake my head. "And, you had your tubes tied," she sighs.

"My point exactly. I feel like one day I'm gonna get drunk or something and tell him off and I really wouldn't want that for him..." I pull up to Cesar's house. I reach into the backseat for Nali's blanket and her cup thing. She forgot the cup too. I knocked on the door for at least 3 minutes before someone actually answered. Vero. "We meet again," I smile sarcastically before pushing past her. We've fought a few times.

I'm still not done with her.

I walk right past Cesar, but something told me to look back. "Vero- Wait!" Cesar's voice echoed. Thank god I changed into sneakers before coming in here. I felt Vero grab the back of my hair causing me to reach back and claw her nose. She winced and let go. I didn't give her the chance to recover, I just started swinging. Cesar's boys were just egging it on making it worse.

Cesar pulled me off of her and Spooky held her down. "I told you not to fucking touch her cause you were gonna get your ass beat and you fucking did!" Cesar's voice boomed. He carries me outside and sits me on one of the chairs, "don't go anywhere". Rosa and Aj come rushing out of the car. "What the hell happened?!" Aj looks at the scratch on my cheek.

"Vero, is what happened," I roll my eyes as Cesar goes back into the house for something. "You see why I don't come over here, right?" Rosa sits down next to me. "Unfortunately," I sigh. "Here," he slaps a band-aid on my cheek. Not literally slaps, but yk. "Thanks. I want my kids," i look up at him. He looks at me like i'm dumb.

"Did i fucking stutter? Go get my daughters!" i poke him in his chest. "Chill out," he smacks my hand down before going back inside. I tried to run back inside, so I could get him too, but Aj pulled me back. "Don't put your hands on me again you fat motherfucker!" i throw a cup full of beer at his back, completely soaking him.

it is so on now.


😱 what does she mean by that 👀

the fight with vero😭?

vote bbgs


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