Girls Day| Part 8

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Fuck, I shouldn't have partied last night my head is killing me

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Fuck, I shouldn't have partied last night my head is killing me. I look under the blanket to see that we're completely naked. "What the fu..." I get up quietly so I don't wake him up. I take some aspirin then get myself together. "Where are you going?" I hear Cesar ask.

"To pick Rosa up," I grab my phone. "All right," he closes his eyes again. "I suggest you put some clothes on," I tell him. "After the things you were doing to me earlier... I don't wanna wear clothes anymore," he smirks.

"Well, I don't want her to see all that, so get yourself together," I shake my head before walking out. When I go downstairs I see Jasmine and Maria puking their guts out in trash cans. "Oh my gosh, are y'all okay?" I furrow my brows in concern. "Nope," Mari lays her head on the side of it.

"Hold up," I walk into the bathroom, and give them some Pepto Bismol. "I'll be back," I walk out the door. I drive off once I get into my car. I feel like I don't spend enough time with Rosa... that's probably why she didn't talk to us for most of the day yesterday. She probably feels neglected which is why we're gonna have a girl's day.

I guess you could say I'm a bad mom...

The therapist suggested meds since I have problems. I feel bad because I'm low-key a bad influence on Rosa with my mental health issues, I hate yelling and taking things from her, but that's how my dad raised me.

Maybe I should loosen up?

Cesar barely interacts with her which pisses me off 'cause dude... that's your daughter, but you want another baby? At least let ourselves get it together before I pop out another one. I arrive at Jane's and text her that I'm outside. I move Rosa's car seat upfront so she's sitting next to me.

"Hey!" Jane walks up to the car with her. "Hey," I smile softly as she puts her in the car seat. "Good morning mommy," Rosa smiles at me. "Good morning baby," I lean over to kiss her cheek. "She didn't eat anything so I would probably give her something," she tells me.

"Thank you," I smile a little. "Anytime," she waves before going into the house. "What'd you do last night?" I drive off. "Had a sleepover with Carla," she tells me. "Sounds very fun. Can I ask you something?" I bite my lip. "Mhm," she looks over at me.

"Why were you so quiet yesterday?" I ask. "I don't know, I thought you and Papi were gonna yell again," she sighs. "Thank you for being honest," I hold her hand. "Things are gonna get better soon. Papi and I just have to work on it so we can make it good for you, just give it some time. I love you," I squeeze her hand.

"I love you too," I see her smile from the corner of my eye. "Ready to have some fun?" I let go of her hand. "Yeah!" she pulls out her iPad from her book bag. "Can I get a lizard?" she asks out of nowhere. "Girllll, whattttt?" I chuckle. "I want a chameleon," she claps.

"Maybe," I stop in front of the nail salon. Once we're in the salon we get seated and pick out designs. "Where are we going next?" she puts her phone down. "It's a surprise," I wink putting my hand out so the girl can start on my nails. "Can I get a hint?" she cocks her head to the side.

"Face masks. That's your only hint," I giggle. "I think I know," she bites her lip. "Then stay silent," I smirk. "Why didn't Papi come?" she asks. "I don't know. I guess he just didn't wanna come," I shrug. I see a frown plastered on her face.

I use my free hand to lift her chin up, "look at me, baby. We don't need him to have fun, we're gonna have fun together". She nods. After we're done getting our nails done we go to the spa. "I knew it!" she exclaims.

"Yeah, that's 'cause you're my smart beautiful girl," I hold her hand when we walk in. "I know," she smiles. "When we go in there, we have to lay on these beds and you gotta put your face in the hole," I tell her. "Okay," we start changing into towels.

"Guess where we're gonna go next?" we lay on the beds. "Where?" she turns her head to look at me. "Don't scream. We're going to Disneyland!" I smile at her. She gasps, "yes! This is the best day ever". "Me too," I smile.

I love seeing her happy, it makes me happy. She just makes me happy in general. After spending the whole day together I finally got her that damn chameleon she wanted. I carry her in the house, I can hear Oscar and Cesar in the kitchen.

"Hey," I set our things down on the table. "Hey- what is that?" Cesar looks at the chameleon. "She wanted a chameleon, I got her one," I shrug. "But why? She's not responsible enough- she's four years old, Monse," he furrows his brows.

"Okay? Your point? If I bought it for her I'm obviously gonna help her take care of it, I'm literally teaching her how to be responsible enough for it. We had our day together, you're not gonna ruin our moods with your bullshit," I take her upstairs along with our stuff.

I change her into pajamas. We cuddle just like she asked earlier and fall asleep in her room.



~Monse feeling like she doesn't spend enough time with Rosa?

~Monse saying she's a bad mom?

~Monse feeling like she's a bad influence on Rosa with her problems?

~Monse and Rosa's talk in the car?

~"look at me, baby. We don't need him to have fun, we're gonna have fun together". Thoughts and opinions on that?

~"Okay? Your point? If I bought it for her I'm obviously gonna help her take care of it, I'm literally teaching her how to be responsible enough for it. We had our day together, you're not gonna ruin our moods with your bullshit," Thoughts and opinions on that?😬

~Make sure to VOTE and answer all questions above :)

I literally keep forgetting to add her in- Anywayssss this is Carla Diaz (4) aka Rosa's bestie and Maria's daughter we don't know who the baby daddy is so don't ask-

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I literally keep forgetting to add her in- Anywayssss this is Carla Diaz (4) aka Rosa's bestie and Maria's daughter we don't know who the baby daddy is so don't ask-

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