Worried| Part 30

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PSA: You have to pay money to like answer a call or smt from someone who's incarcerated, so let's act like that's free.

PSA: You have to pay money to like answer a call or smt from someone who's incarcerated, so let's act like that's free

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It's been a week since everything happened. She still hasn't called or anything. I'm not mad, but it's unlike her just not to call. Even if she's in jail. "Drink it," I smile as I stick the bottle in Mari's mouth. She makes a face at it and hands it back to me. "I know it's not mami's milk, but we gotta improvise. Sorry," i shrug. My thoughts were cut off by Analia busting through the door.

"I got milk!" she throws it on the bed. "We already have milk," i furrow my brows. "I got mami's milk," she shows me inside of the bag and it's full of breast milk. "I talked to her today," She smiles. "Did you?" I scroll through my phone. "Yes. She said she's gonna call in an hour, so she can talk to you," she smiles. "Okay," I tighten my lips. I didn't really care, i just wanted answers.

"Don't be like that," Aj puts his hands on my thigh. "Like what?" I snap a picture of Mari smiling at me. "Have an attitude," he shrugs. "Don't start. It's too early and I'm on my period," I roll my eyes. "Anyways, was she nice? Is she nice?" Aj asks Nali. "Yes. She was never mean," Nali plays with her fingers. "Not from what I heard," He mumbles. "My mom's not mean, she just has no tolerance," I snort.

He side eyes me and stays quiet.

As he should.

My phone started buzzing as soon as I turned it off. It was a random number, so I just assumed it was my mom. "Get out," i shoo Nali out, "you too." i wave Aj away as I answer the call. This weird siri thing started talking as they walked out of the room. "Hello?" my moms voice said quietly through the phone. "...Hi," I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Are you okay?" she asks.

"I'm fine."

"Why did you do it?" i play with my fingers. "Oh, boy. You probably don't understand, but i've been fucked over so many times by men, especially your dad, there was just a line and Chris crossed it, despite how many stories and what he seen me go through, he still decided to do what he did and I snapped," her voice got lower and I could hear her sobs through the phone.

No matter how hard she tried to hide them, I could still hear. "I'm so sorry," her cries were more noticeable now. "Don't be. I understand. I'm not mad at you, i just... miss you and i wish you were here," i bite my lip to hold back the tears. "Me too. I have court tomorrow. Hopefully someone can bail me out. Had a savings account for something like this," she snorts.

"Mom- that's sad. They should've deported you when they had the chance," I shake my head. "Wow! Mad?" she laughs. "No, but see if they have language classes, work on that english," I twist my lip. "Hey! My English has gotten so much better since I moved to New York. I speak plenty of English, I just have a hard time pronouncing words," I can feel her eye roll.

"Did you go through my stuff yet?" She asks. "Of course. Pop said it was okay. Lots of condoms, but nice stuff, might steal later," I shrug. "Oh, my god. They're probably expired. Your dad clearly didn't like them," she mumbled. "Ew, I hope you enjoyed it 'cause you'll never have it again. At least not on my watch," I wipe a piece of glitter off of Mari's face. "I'm single now. I'd have his baby again if I wanted to. Miss that di-" I cut her off, "okay! I get it!"

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