Together?|Part 31

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i personally think diego is ugly , but he look so fine w a beard n long hair . made me accept him ....

I made eye contact with Cesar as I walked out of the jail

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I made eye contact with Cesar as I walked out of the jail. "Thank you," i smiled, hugging him. "Anytime," he smells amazing. He opens the car door, so that i can get in. "Gracias," i smile as he closes the door. "We gotta talk," he sighs, pulling off. "Don't say it like that," i frown. "Well, uh, did you hear?" he hesitated.

"Hear what? From who?" I furrow my brows. "Your dad?" what's with all the hesitations? "No, I haven't heard from him since the first time I talked to Rosa. A week ago," i roll down the window, "now tell me what happened." "Well- they kinda got into a little argument and Rosa might have destroyed his house," he stopped at a light.

"She did what?!" I got whiplash turning around. "Now, hold on, she was triggered," he holds my hand down. "How exactly?" i slip my hand from under his. After i got the full story of what happened, i tried to keep my cool, but it just wasn't working. Rosa will never be anything like me, and i stand on that. I'm glad she got away when she could 'cause he fucked me up just as bad as my mom did, and i'm not gonna let him fuck my kids up too.

Hell, they already are.

As soon as i walked into my dad's house, i was greeted by his eyes. "Where are my kids?" i run my fingers through my hair. "Asleep. God knows where the other one is," he scoffs, drinking out of his mug. "She's safe. At her dad's. Why did you say those things to her?" i played with my fingers behind my back. "She needs to learn manners. You just let her do whatever she wants and that's why she is the way she is today," he sets the mug back down.

"And what exactly is she like?" i look him up and down. "You. Spitting image," he shakes his head. "My daughter had manners. You would fucking know that if you actually chose to get to know them. Rosalia is nothing like me, and she never will be anything like me," i suck my teeth. "Tell that to my house," he hands me his phone.

She wrecked his shit. Good.

"I see no problem. She stood up for herself," I slid the phone back to him. "You're fucking crazy," he scrunches up his face. I throw my head back in annoyance, "we established this 20 years ago." Started off young. "Look, clearly you're off your meds.. both of you guys-" I cut him off, "first off, she not on any fucking medication and she doesn't need to be." "I'm done here. Thanks for keeping them," i go back into my room.

They're slumped as fuck.

I slowly pick up both of them, 'cause if Mari wakes up, she'll be up for days. I put them both in the car and we went back to Cesar's place. It was 8 by the time we got there, since he wants to live somewhere private. 45 minutes away. "Can I shower?" I snatch the charger from him and plug my phone in. "Since you like to snatch, sure," He rolls his eyes, lying back on his bed.

"Need clothes, please," I start taking my clothes off. Nothing he hasn't seen before. He points to the dresser drawer. Of course it's the bottom drawer. I bent over revealing all of me and I felt his eyes burning through me. I looked back and smirked at him. I grabbed the shirt out of the drawer and slowly walked into the bathroom. You can look, but you can't touch.

His bathroom is so... nice. Gonna have to kick him out. He opens the door, "Oh, uh I forgot to tell you, i need to fix the shower nob, but you can use the bathtub. It has jets." he shrugs. "I am not sitting in my own filth," I cross my arms. "The other ones are getting renovated. It's either that, or you wait," he shrugs. "Fine. I'll make my own soup," I roll my eyes, "how do you turn this thing on?" I juggle the knob. "Move," He lightly pushes me out of the way.

"Do you wanna fight?" I smack his arm. "Considering you're standing here naked, yes," He smiles at me, as the water starts to run. I stayed silent. I wanted him, he wanted me, we wanted each other, but it would be informal to do it here, right now. Trying to get it together. I don't know what it is about him, but he just makes me weak and I can't stand it. I hate him for it.

"I know you're childish and you like bubbles," He drizzles something in the water. "It makes me feel giddy inside," I clap, getting inside the tub. "I bet," he chuckles, mixing the bubbles in. While he was mixing them, his hand grazed my thigh. I hear something purring. "Thanks. One more favor," I bite my lip. He sucks his teeth, "what?"

"Get in," i look him up and down. "Hmph," i watch as he strips down. He sits on the opposite side of the tub. I caress his leg, looking down into the bubbles, "I've missed you." "I've missed you too," he kisses my hand. "Why did you leave me for her? After all this time, you finally come back," i take a deep breath. "I don't know. I was young and dumb. We both were, and i'm so sorry for everything i put you and the girls through," he exhales.

"I wanna forgive you, but... you've hurt me so much, i don't know if i can," my voice got low. He cups the sides of my face as tears runs down them. "Monse... I love you so much. Since we were kids. I know i fucked everything up and pretended i didn't care, but i did and i still do. Even when i was with her, you were constantly and always on my mind. There's a 99.9% chance that we will never get back together and be happy again, but in that 1%, I promise I've changed," he stares deep into my eyes.

"Are you just saying that? Telling me what i wanna hear? Cause if so, you're not even worth my time," i sniffle. "I mean it. Truly," he kisses my forehead. "Prove it. Prove that you mean it. Not just by sex or kind words, but with your actions, and i'll consider it," i look away from him. "Okay," he smiles and kisses me softly on the lips.

I moved closer and deepened the kiss. What i've been waiting for and craving for so long. It's finally happening. He swooped me into his lap and I threw my head back as he trailed kisses down my neck. My breathing got heavier when he did. I felt him brick up underneath me. He looked into my eyes as he slipped it in.

I immediately felt relief.

I gripped onto his shoulders as my body moved up and  down. Water was getting all over the floor, but neither of us cared. I was trying to be quiet, but it was getting hard. He was pounding into me. My eyes were clouded over with tears. He held my face with one of his hands, staring into my soul, "cum for me." I let out a whimper at his tone.

"You can do it," his hand reached underneath me and he rubbed my clit. "Ay, dios mio!" I cried out as I came. He grabbed me by the back off my neck and kissed me really hard, "all better." I said nothing and grabbed the towel off of the stand, "much better." I wrapped the towel around my body. I lean down and peck him on the cheek, "fix that shower, please."

I should genuinely just go back to my place and shower, I need clothes anyway. But I like the comfort of being here, so. Just gonna thug it out. Need sleep, must have it. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was asleep.


omg guys i feel so slay

i updated twice this week😜✌🏽😘


thoughts on monse and cesar's moment in the bathtub ?

alphabet soup😉.

monse and monty's altercation?

prob won't update for 8 months but yktv BYE.

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