Hospital| Part 12

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I'm sorry I keep doin' time jumps in her pregnancy but like, a bitch don't got ideas, cause after she has the baby we doin' a six years later and a whole lotta drama finna keep happenin'. Few more chapters till she has Analia. Are y'all fixin' to tune in??

  Are y'all fixin' to tune in??

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𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝟖𝐭𝐡

"Why is she here!?" I yell at Cesar when Monse walks into the house. "I'm here because my daughter needs the rest of herself, back up, cracker," she snaps. "Lies. Then where is she?" I cross my arms 'cause she clearly wants Cesar back. "Bitch-" Cesar quickly covers her mouth.

"She's with my mom, chill," he steps in uncovering her mouth. Imagine defending your ex. "Cesar can grab her stuff for her," I get in her face. "I know you best get the hell out my face fore we have a bigger problem than we already have," she gets in mine.

"Yo, chill," he tries pulling us apart but I snatch away. "I'm gonna kill her," I say through gritted teeth. "Is that a threat?" she scoffs. "Baby, it's a promise," I smirk. "Girl, bye. You really thought you ate. Not if I kill you first," she laughs in my face, "I'ma go back to jail dealin' witchu".

I grab her by her hair and she grabs mine as soon as I grabbed hers. "Let go, Vero!" Cesar tries pulling me back. "No! This dumba-" she cuts me off by punching me in my face, hard. I instantly let go of her hair, she lets go of mine. "Excuse me," she smiles in my face walking past me.

Promise that. Ima kill her.

I'm too pregnant for her weirdo ass

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I'm too pregnant for her weirdo ass. Cesar needa handle his girl fore I do it for him, it ain't gon' be pretty. I can't have her stressing me out, it's not good for the baby 'cause if something happens to my baby I'm going back to jail.

I'm 30 weeks, spent the whole pregnancy alone... it kinda hurts. The one person I dedicated all my love to leaves me here with both of his kids on my own but then wanna start callin' my phone on some dumb shit, get a life babez. The baby's due in September, my Virgo baby <3.

A/N - (30 weeks is 7 and a half months so, at 31 weeks she'd be 8 months)

I wipe the kitchen counters aggressively instead of throwing an adult temper tantrum as I'd usually do. That's the old Monse. The new one controls herself... even if she needs her meds sometimes. I stopped taking them when I was 3 months in.

I didn't feel comfortable being pregnant with meds. Rosa walks into the kitchen, "mommy can you snuggle? My tummy hurts". "Of course. One second, baby," I smile putting the rag on the counter. "Did you have any trouble napping?" I ask. "No. Just my tummy," she shakes her head.

"Okay, we'll snuggle it out. You want your tea?" I lean on the counter. She nods her head, goes in the fridge then hands me the big silver thermos that has her tea in it. "Thank you," I pour some in her sippy cup. She only uses them when she doesn't feel good, she gave those up a while ago.

I warm up her tea then give her a tum to help. Please don't get sick again. "Come," I grab her hand walking over to the sofa. She lays down in front of me and I wrap my arms around her as she drinks her tea. I put on a movie as we slowly fall asleep.


I wake up but Rosa's not there, I legit go into full panic. "ROSALIA!" I shout walking around the first floor. I go upstairs to look but she's not anywhere. I grab my phone and there are over a hundred missed calls from Jane. I instantly call her back, she answers immediately.

"Where's Rosa?" I ask quietly. "I tried calling you but you wouldn't pick up. She's in the hospital," she tells me. "Oh, my fu- Is she okay? What happened?!" I ask grabbing my car keys getting into my car driving off. "When I walked in, you guys were sleeping. She wasn't breathing so I took her with me to the hospital," she explains.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" I furrow my brows. "I just wanted to hurry and get her there as soon as possible. But, she's okay," she tells me, I calm down a little. "Good, I'm almost there," I hang up after saying bye. I finally get in there, I immediately run to her room.

When I get in there, there's already a doctor in there along with Jane. "Who's this?" the doctor looks up from her clipboard. "This is Rosalia's mom," she pulls me down onto the chair next to her. "Oh, glad to see you here. She's doing good, she should be waking up soon, I would also be regularly keeping her on oxygen during the day, she can still do normal activities I would just take it easy given the circumstances. She needs to be on strict bed rest for the week when you take her home tomorrow. We're gonna keep her overnight to make sure she's good to go," the doctor tells me, I nod.

"I'll leave you guys be," the doctor walks out. I feel myself tearing up, what if she... no don't think like that! Jane notices my tears, she pulls me into a warming hug, "It's gonna be okay, mama". She rubs my back softly. "No, it's not. Nothing's ever okay with us," I'm full blown crying now.

"Don't talk like that. She's gonna be fine," she pulls out of the hug. "You don't know that," I shake my head. "I do. She's very strong just like her mom," she wipes my tears with her thumbs, I give an understanding nod. "I have work, but text me with updates," she tells me.

"I will," I nod.


~woooh chile-

~The Vero situation earlier?

~How Monse reacted to Vero?

~Monse a whole queen. Vero ain't doin' shiiii

~Vero plottin' on Monse?





~Do you think Rosa and Monse are gonna be okay?

~Make sure to VOTE and answer all questions above happy weekend <3

This song fa Monse cuz ma girl strugglin'

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