Options| Part 34

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I ran my fingers through my hair staring down at all the fines i had

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I ran my fingers through my hair staring down at all the fines i had. There had to be at least 5. a run of my fucking money is what this shit is. he pressed charges even though he got himself into it, a fucking parking ticket, assault charge for vero. in my defense, she threw the first hit.

she deserved it anyway.

another for property damage and one for speeding. all this for some minor mistakes. "you gotta pay $4,135 dollars," rosa flips over the calculator. "thanks," i type in my credit card numbers into the iPad. "oh, and my cut which is gonna be $500 dollars in cash," she nods.

I scoffed, "your cut? for what?" "you know, holding it down while you were in the slammer," she shrugs. "you destroyed my dads house. that's not holding it down," I roll my eyes. "aye, he deserved it. i still haven't gotten an apology," she looks down at her nails.

"you'll get it. i'll make sure, but you have to apologize first," i signed my signature with my finger. "no... he triggered me. guess i won't be getting that apology," she throws her head back. i pull out money from my wallet, "here's 60, buy yourself something nice and get out of my face."

she sucks her teeth and leaves. cesar walked in after she did. immediate eye roll. "still mad at me?" he sets a bag on my desk. "i don't know. am i?" "im sorry. there's not much else i can do," he runs his fingers through his hair. "there is, you just choose not to do it," i mumble.

"give me a straight answer. anything you say, i'll do it," he looks into my eyes. "i've heard that a lot from you," i cross my arms. "i promise," his eyes got bigger. like a puppy. "i've also heard that a lot," i frowned, "prove you mean it." "i will. just say the word and it's done," he shrugs.

"leave her. block her on everything, delete her number, don't even look in her direction. i don't care if she's dying on the street with her guts hanging out. even if she gives birth nine months from now," i eye him up and down. he pulls out my phone but before he could unlock it, i snatched it from him, "i'll do it."

awe , his password is my birthday.

no time for pity, get it together.

i made sure she was blocked and deleted from everything and before i deleted or blocked her number, i texted her. "what are you doing?" he asks. "i'm sending her the most heartfelt message and picture," i smile. "picture of..?" he looks around. i smirked at him. "oh god. the one from the other day.?" i could see his face turning a light shade of pink.

i can't tell if he's embarrassed or flattered.

"what? she knows what it looks like," i roll my eyes, "me smiling and holding it like a prize makes it even better. anyways, blocked, deleted, done, you're all mine and always have been." "got it," he takes his phone back out of my hands.

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