Us| Part 22

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Her hairstyle

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Her hairstyle... sorry for zooming in-

I take a deep breath as I hit stop on my alarm

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I take a deep breath as I hit stop on my alarm. 5:00 AM. I roll over and feel for Chris, but he's not there. We've been really happy recently. Before, we would just do our morning routine with the kids, work, once in a while we'd watch a movie together, get freaky sometimes, and go to bed.

Now, we do a lot more, we never really cuddled or anything, or just kisses out of nowhere, but that's changed and it's been everyday now, I'm finally happy, and that's all that matters. I get up, shower, and get myself dressed. I put my straight hair into a bun and lay back down.

I ended up falling back asleep but woke back up around 8:30. I put my glasses on and grab my phone. I hear the door open and look up to see Chris. "Good morning, baby," he walks over to me and gives me a kiss. "That was juicy," I giggle. "What can I say," He kisses me again.

"Here," he hands me a coffee and a glazed donut. "Aww, thank you. You want some pussy?" I chuckle. "Chill," he playfully rolls his eyes getting on the bed next to me. "Never," I shove a piece of the donut in his mouth. "Really?" he laughs. "Yes... really... you were asking for it," I shrug.

"Maybe later you can shove something big, fat, and black in my mouth," I mumble. "How bout now?" he takes the donut out of my hand and sits it on my nightstand. "Preferably," I smile as he gets on top of me. He takes my glasses off, "don't wanna knock those off again". he laughs.

"Last time you knocked them off, they almost broke," I say as he pulls my shorts off and kisses down my neck. I unbuckle his belt and pull off his jeans, he throws them somewhere on the floor. "I won't break your glasses this time," he pulls of my shirt and I pull off his.

"Good, 'cause you'll be breaking my back," when I say that, he smirks and moves his hand into my underwear as we continue to kiss. I pull his boxers off and move my hand up and down his 🍆. Letting out a moan into our kiss, I move my hand faster as he moves his fingers faster.

I push him off of me and push him back, so that he's lying on his back. I wrap both of my hands around it as he laughs at me. "Shut up, It's not my fault I have little hands and you have this... beanstalk," I roll my eyes before putting it in my mouth. Well, whatever I could fit in there...

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