Surgery| Part 23

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I woke up and Rosa's practically on top of me

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I woke up and Rosa's practically on top of me. I tried to get up, but she's pinning me down. "Okay," I slowly move her off of me. I find myself already in bed with Chris. He's sooo comfortable for no reason. Until he moved. "Sorry," he tries to get me comfortable again.

"You're fine," just gotta get in this last hour of sleep. When I finally get up, which is like 8:40 I shower and get myself dressed. Well, partly dressed, i just put a sports bra and shorts on until i feel like getting dressed. My moms already downstairs with coffee.

"Good morning," she smiles, looking up from her phone. "Hi," I sit down on her lap and wrap my arms and legs around her. "You're too old for this,"she holds into my waist. "Never too old for anything," I rest my head on her shoulder, "you still hit me".

"Are you gonna take her to the hospital?" i totally forgot about that. "Oh, shit," i get up off of her lap. Thank god Rosa's not up yet. "Do you wanna take a shower?" I get on top of Chris. "You already took one tho," he furrows his brows. "So?" I laugh. "You're spoiled," he scoffs.

"That seriously sounds like a you problem, but pleaseeee," I kiss the side of his neck. "Just let me meet you in there," he rolls his eyes. "Mhm," i mumble and go to the bathroom. We took like an hour long shower and most of it was just kissing and sharing our biggest secrets.

Especially mine but we're not gonna get into that.

"You're brushing too soft. I'm not Riley," I snatch the brush out of Chris's hand. "Try me," he snatches the brush back and brushes my hair so hard it feels like my scalp is gonna fall out. "Too hard," I take his hand and start brushing it at my own speed and he eventually got it.

I'm not even dressed before my baby starts crying. Her cold has been on and off recently. It's like, she's fine one day and then she's not the next day.. She rarely ever cries unless it's necessary but she just won't stop this week, unless she's eating, sleeping, or has her pacifier.

Today's a sick day.

I wrap her up in one of her baby blankets and start feeding her even tho my boobs are sore and my nipples are cracking open... thank god for nipple cream, otherwise i'd be dead. When she falls back asleep, I get myself ready and help Rosa so that I can take her.

They did an x-ray and she has to get surgery... she has. cyst in her calf, but it's not even big so we really thought nothing of it, but if she doesn't get it removed only god knows what will happen to my daughter. Of course she's not happy and neither am i but it needs to be done.

They were gonna schedule one, but apparently it's best to get it out immediately before it gets worse, plus it's been there for a month already. It's going to take a few hours, so I just went home and they said that they were gonna call me afterwards. Works for me cause i have work to do.

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