Bullshit| Part 11

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I was gon' put this in here a few chapters back, but Cesar a whole deadbeat not even fightin' to get his daughter back smh

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I was gon' put this in here a few chapters back, but Cesar a whole deadbeat not even fightin' to get his daughter back smh...

Finally got full custody of Rosa, I'm happy honestly, I also put her in therapy, she needs it

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Finally got full custody of Rosa, I'm happy honestly, I also put her in therapy, she needs it. Not once has she talked about Cesar which is fine by me 'cause I haven't even thought about him. "How was therapy, Mami?" I start putting her in the car seat.

"It was like talking to you but better," she smiles. "Wow, I'm offended," I playfully roll my eyes getting up front. "Can we go to the sea?" she asks. I drive off, "of course". I smile softly. I'm surprised that Jane took my side instead of Cesar's 'cause you know that's her son.

Everyone's on my side, it's gonna stay that way. Ima make sure of it.

"You wanna pick up Carla?" I pull up to my house. I got a smaller house considering that house was way too big for Rosa, the baby, and me. It's not small but it's not huge you know. "Yeah," she nods unbuckling her car seat. We grab a few items for the beach then head out.

I'm wearing my two-piece that shows off my bump which is a strapless black ruffled top with high-waisted bottoms, Rosa's is the same. I pick up Carla and Maria then we go to the beach. "He's a cunt," Mari rolls her eyes. "A cunt that continues to get me pregnant," I snort.

"You little whore!" she playfully punches me on the arm. "I'm so vaclenched. I can hear my chocha getting cramped," I make a face. "Sounds like you need some June," she smirks. "Yeah, no. That's my best friend," I shake my head.

"You said that about Cesar too, now look at you," she gestures to my stomach. "I was very horny at 14," I mumble. "Yeah, I remember. I walked in on you guys like 4 times!" she grabs a water bottle out of the cooler. "Knocking was necessary," I roll my eyes.

"I didn't know what privacy was until I got tits," she giggles. "CAN I PUT LIZZY IN THE SEA?!" Rosa and Carla run up to us. "No," I get up taking Lizzy from her. "Come on," I grab Rosa's hand so we're sitting on the sand. "What?" Carla takes Lizzy. "Make a hole," I tell Rosa. I help her dig one.

I take one of the small cups then scoop some of the water from the ocean, then pour a little into the hole. "Now, put her in," I tell Carla, she puts her in. "Lookit, Mommy, she's swimming!" Carla points to the hole. "Cool," Mari comes over to us.

For the rest of the day until the sun starts to go down we play, talk, joke, having the time of our lives with our daughters. I'm so tired I just wanna lay in my bed right now this baby is tiring as hell, always in my back and I feel bad because I can barely do shit with Rosa 'cause I'm so tired.

Even when I am in pain... I do the best I can to make her happy I guess it's working since she's always happy... "Rosa, not right now, baby. Mommy's back hurts," I place our bags on the table from the beach. She frowns, "I'm sowwy". she has watery eyes.

I cup the sides of her face with my hands, "It's not your fault, bebecita. I'm not trying to be mean, Mama's just in pain 'cause of sissy". "Okay," she sniffles her tears. "I want you to get your jammies out then I'll bring you your dinner and we'll do bathtime, yes?" I nod my head.

"Yes," she smiles. "Go," I smile back leading her upstairs. I hate seeing her upset like that... but I always do it the next day with her. I hear my phone going off on the table, I grab it but automatically frown when I see it's Cesar. I debate on answering it but he's just gonna keep calling.

"Hello?" I sit down on the couch. "I want to see my daughter, Monse," I can hear the anger/irritation in his voice. "Well, you're not, I won't allow it. She fucking despises you- Cesar she doesn't even feel loved by you. Do you know how much that hurts to hear as her mother?" I scoff.

"That's a lie. I do love her-" I cut him off, "nigga, please. You were a whole deadbeat even when you were living in the house with us. I had my moments but I actually did shit with her. You didn't do shit! I'm her mother, I make the decisions!". I hang up on him.

Way too hormonal for his ass right now. Going around gettin' bitches knocked up but can't even take care of the one daughter he has. I already changed Rosalia's last name to Finnie, not gonna give my daughter the last name of a person she doesn't fuck with. I kept my cool for too long.

I got a message from someone on Instagram. Who the hell is Vero?

vero._ ~ You'll get your karma one day. Watch.

Me ~ Excuse me?

vero._ ~ lol, Imagine keeping your daughter from their father.

Me ~ Shouldn't be a deadbeat. Go somewhere, dick rider.

vero._ ~ He's not a deadbeat. He loves her, you're the dick rider if you got knocked up multiple times by him 😘.

Me ~ Keep sleepin' with him. Finna end up pregnant and alone with a nonexistent Cesar :(
I feel for you baby girl. Keep playin' I'm not the one. Suck a dick, Cesar's lopsided one preferably🥺💞.

She left me on seen, so I blocked her afterward. I don't have time for anyone's shit tonight I got two daughters of mine to worry about. I make Rosa her kiddie macaroni, then go up to her room. "Here you go, princess," I hand it to her. "Thank you," she sits at her play table.

I feel so drained, I dozed off a few times waiting for her to get done eating. "Ready for your bath?" I yawn. "Can you take it with me... pwease," she gives me puppy eyes. "Aren't you a little too old to be takin' baths with me?" I cross my arms.

"No. Pweaseee it'll make me feel better," she whines. "This is a one-time thing," I sigh grabbing two towels from her bathroom closet. We get into the bathtub but finish quickly. "Brush your teeth so I can fix your hair," I hang our towels up.

A few minutes later she's done, I put her hair in two braids so it'll be easier to do tomorrow, not knotted like it usually is. She got Cesar's hair. I finally get to sleep and it feels so amazingggg.


Just a filler xx

~Monse getting full custody of Rosa?

~Everybody taking Monse's side?

~Monse putting Rosa in therapy?

~Momma skills on Monse 1-10

~Monse changing Rosa's last name to Finnie?

~"nigga, please. You were a whole deadbeat even when you were living in the house with us. I had my moments but I actually did shit with her. You didn't do shit! I'm her mother, I make the decisions!". - thoughts and opinions on that?

~Vero texting Monse?

~Cesar's tadpole lookin' ass needa stop calling my baby momma's phone like go swim with the fishes taddy pole.

~Whose POV next?

~Make sure to VOTE and answer all questions above <3

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