Smile| Part 20

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"She might be dying," Seli says to me on FaceTime as I peek around the wall looking at my Mom on the couch who's asleep

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"She might be dying," Seli says to me on FaceTime as I peek around the wall looking at my Mom on the couch who's asleep. "She probably is- she's never sick," I shake my head. "Maybe she's pregnant again," she furrows her brows. "Not possible, I watch her take her meds," I sigh.

"-Plus, she hasn't done anything- you know how she is. In addition to that, I stay up all night so she can't," I take my AirPods out. "You're really overthinking this, Rosa. Everybody gets sick at some point in time," she huffs. "You're right," I kiss my teeth.

"I'll call you back," I hang up as Chris comes out of the kitchen with a cup of hot tea. "Are you watching your mom sleep?" he furrows his brows. "She's dying so yes, yes I am," I come from behind the corner. "She's not dying," he shakes his head as he wakes her up, "it's her stomach".

"No," she mumbles waving him away. "I'll pour it on your couch if you don't," I threaten. She rolls her eyes as she gets up, "okay". "It always works," I smirk sitting down next to her. "That's what'll get you smacked," she takes a sip of the tea. "Woah, someone's snappy," Chris mumbles.

"Nah, she's always like that... especially when she gets her menstrual," I whisper the last part in his ear. "Bye, say it to my face, bozo," she stops drinking the tea. "I just want one, just one day where you're not mean to everybody," I shake my head. "Keep dreaming," she mutters rolling her eyes.

 "Keep dreaming," she mutters rolling her eyes

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"You know... you look like a crackhead when you don't do your hair? An- and sometimes I think about braiding it in the shower," I twist Chris' hair around my finger. "Oh, that's not weird at all..." he looks around the room. "I know,"  I let his hair go. "You wanna get married?" I ask.

"Do you?" he rests his hand on my thigh and I nod. "Okay, then. Let's get married," he looks up at me. "Really?" I raise my eyebrows. "Yup. In fact. I'll catch you at a moment you'd never expect," He winks. "Fuck you," I laugh. "Love you too," He scoffs. "Hush," I grab him by his face and kiss him.

"So aggressive," he mumbles as I deepen the kiss. I pull away, "but you like it". "Yeah," he pulls me back in.


"Haven't done that in a while," I pull the blanket over my chest. "Yeah," Chris gives me one last kiss before pulling the blanket over himself. I grab the blunt out of the ashtray on my bedside table and light it. "Are your lungs not black?" he grabs his phone. "Prolly," I blow smoke out.

"Have you ever even smoked?" I laugh. "Nope," he scrolls through Instagram. "Just try it. I promise it feels good," I try to convince him. "Just take slow puffs," I hand it to him. He hesitantly takes it. "Guess you were right," he hands it back to me blowing the smoke out.

"Told you," I put it back in the ashtray when we're done. "You want ice cream?" I snatch his shirt from him and put it on. "Rude," he puts on his sweatpants. "Hey, i'm nice," I pull on my underwear. "Ew, look what you left on me," I show him the trail of hickeys going down my jaw to my boobs.

"But you like it," he hugs me from behind. "Rosa's gonna be the first one to talk about it," I shake my head as we go downstairs to the kitchen. I grab the tub of cookies and cream out of the freezer along with 3 spoons. "Why three?" he asks as we sit down on the stools at the island.

"Someone's gonna come down in, 3... 2... 1," right on cue, Mari comes crawling down the steps which is surprising because she never wakes up this late. "Mama," she smiles as she crawls to me. "Hi baby," I pick her up then sit her on the counter.

She reaches for Chris's face, "dada". Me and him just smile at each other. "Yeah," I wipe a piece of glitter off her face with my thumb.


ik it was short.

•Anyways answer this — Mari calling Chris "Dada"👀

•Should Chris propose to Monse in the next chapter?

• Make sure to VOTE and answer all the questions above☝🏽

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