You| Part 18

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I forgot to add Riley in the last chapter. - Riley Jones (4 months)  *Up top*

We are in LA this week for interviews, etcetera, plus I really wanted to see my dad along with Brandy

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We are in LA this week for interviews, etcetera, plus I really wanted to see my dad along with Brandy. "Hey," I walk into the kitchen of the Airbnb. jasmine was sitting at the table. "Oooh, what were you doin' already?" She smirks. "Oh, my God girl, let me tell youuuu," I sit down next to her.

"Full detail," she chirps sitting her phone down. I throw my head back groaning, "ugh, where does a bitch beginnnn". "Long story short, he sucked me dry," I bite my lip as I smirk recalling what just happened a few minutes ago. "Sahara desert, dry," I fully smirk now.

"Damn Mons! Please tell me you broke his ass down!" she claps. I flip my hair playfully rolling my eyes while smirking, "and I did". "As you should!" she high-fives me. "My assistant is taking me to Starbucks," Rosa walks into the kitchen with Chris. "I'm her assistant/servant," he shrugs.

"No funny business, she'll spend all your money in a split second," I laugh. "Noted. Come on," they walk out. I scratch my head looking away, "oh, god". "At least he can be two daddy's at once, three if you count this morning-" I cut her off, "YOU HEARD THAT?!".

"These walls ain't thick," she mutters. "At all," I get up, I go to one of the rooms that Analia is in. I jump on the bed, "WAKE UP!". I start kissing all over her face. "Stoooop," she groans pulling the cover over her face. "No," I wrap my arms around her from behind, then wrap my leg around her.

"Wake upppp, we have to get ready," I move a curl out of her face. "For what?" she mumbles. "We have interviews, you like those," I kiss the side of her head. She jolts up almost making me fall off of the bed. "I knew it," I laugh. "Your hair looks crazy," I pull her off of the bed.

"Stop that," she lets me pull her over to the dresser. "We have to go to hair and makeup soon, so let me tame your bunch," I grab her an outfit, "go shower, meet me in the living room after. Make sure you wash your hair". "K," she grabs them from me walking into the bathroom.

I go to the next room to wake up the baby. Waking up a 7-month-old ain't easy... I softly tap Mari which instantly wakes her up, as soon as she's up she reaches for me. "You ready for a shower?" I ask in a baby voice earning a small smile from her.

After giving baths I finally get myself ready.

♡ Liked by, Jasmineflo, and 678,987 othersmonselina_ - My feet look husky🤡🧍🏽‍♀️

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Liked by, Jasmineflo, and 678,987 others
monselina_ - My feet look husky🤡🧍🏽‍♀️

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After everyone gets themselves ready for interviews we actually do the interviews. "Hi, I'm Monse Finnie, I play... Monse Finnie," I snort. "I'm Rosalia Finnie, I play Rosalia Finnie. The queen of all queens," she blows the camera a kiss causing me to laugh. "I'm Analia," Nali says.

"This here is, Mariella Finnie, playing Mariella," I hold Mari up, she babbles at me. "We're the cast of 'On My Block' and we're here to get a little artsy," I wink at the camera. "I think everyone knows about arts & crafts," Rosa laughs a little.

"We're doing macaroni crafts that I have not done since kindergarten, yeah, let's get in," I say. We get our supplies.


We're at this fancy restaurant with all our friends and family just having a good time, but I'm hella exhausted. "You okay?" Jamal asks setting his fork down. I lay my head on his shoulder, "yeah, just tired". Chris gives us a look from across the table. I frown while mouthing, "what?".

He quickly shakes his head, but I know damn well that's a lie, too tired to care. He just keeps staring with a look. I get up then put my black side purse on, "I'm leaving". I grab Mari out of my dad's lap. "Why?" Dad furrows his brows. "Doesn't matter. Girls, come on," I sigh walking out.

"Why do we gotta go?" Nali asks as she gets into the car. "If I'm leaving y'all are leaving. You guys are my responsibility," I finish putting Mari into the car seat. "No, there's something wrong," Rosa rolls her eyes as I start the car. "Don't roll your eyes," I pull out of the parking lot.

"But it wasn't toward you," she mutters. "What is your problem?" I ask. "Cause every time somethings wrong with you, you always gotta drag us into it, 'cause all you do is run from your problems, just like Cesar did with you," she scoffs. I grip the steering wheel tightly. Really tight.

I pull over stopping in front of a store, "did you really just say that?". "I did," she shrugs. "Okay, so you're gonna compare someone you despise, to someone who gave their all for you to be away from him and be happy. Great to know how much I mean to you, Rosalia," I sniffle fallen tears.

The rest of the car ride is silent until we get back to the Airbnb. All the girls fell asleep except for Rosa, we both need space, so I guess we won't be talking for some time... I put the girls to bed. I take off my makeup, then shower. I put on my gray hoodie with some black Nike running shorts.

I pull my hood over my head but you can still see some of my curls in the front, my hair is also draped over my shoulders on each side. Chris walks into the room, causing me to roll my eyes. "Why'd you leave?" he asks closing the door. "You," I cross my arms. He just scoffs.

"Me? You were the one who was all up on your 'friend' gettin' comfortable," he shakes his head. "I was fucking tired! He actually cared to ask what was wrong with me," I breathe heavily. "Okay, but you don't use your mouth unless-" I cut him off, "it's impossible to be mad at you". I snort.

"Yeah, I know, but do you promise nothing is going on between you guys?" he pulls on his sweatpants. "Baby, I promise," I lay on the bed and he lays next to me. "Good," he kisses me.



~I actually wanna know y'alls thoughts and opinions so plssss answer these questions.

~Chris giving Monse looks at dinner?

~"Cause every time somethings wrong with you, you always gotta drag us into it, 'cause all you do is run from your problems, just like Cesar did with you," - Thoughts and opinions on that?

~ "Okay, so you're gonna compare someone you despise, to someone who gave their all for you to be away from him and be happy. Great to know how much I mean to you, Rosalia," - Thoughts and opinions on that?

~What didn't you like?

~What made you think hard?


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