Angry| Part 19

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We're finally back in New York

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We're finally back in New York... I missed my house. I let Rosa stay with her friend so she could spend time with someone besides me. I wake up, it's like 8 in the morning. I gotta get up hella early or whenever I hear Mari crying, but I usually wake up earlier to make breakfast.22

I go into Mari's nursery. She's still asleep, thanking the Lord. I get myself together then make breakfast for the girls.


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toes hangin' on for dear life.👨🏿‍🌾😬

I hear little noises on the steps, I know it's Mari 'cause she knows how to crawl down the stairs. I feel her hands wrap around my calf so she can stand. "Good morning to you too," I giggle as I pick her up on my hip. She just smiles at me through her pacifier, her smile is so precious.

"MOMMY I'M AWAKE!" I hear Nali yell from upstairs. "SO AM I!" I yell back as I put Mari in her high chair, then set out plates. She comes down the stairs struggling to carry Riley down. I get up from the table laughing, "why do you have her?". "I got her for you, now take her," she grunts.

"Uht- okay," I carefully take the baby from her. "Eat your food, Mami," I point to her plate, she sits down. "Whatchu wanna do today?" I ask from the kitchen as I make Riley's bottle. "crafts," she tells me. "Okay... what kind of crafts?" I shake the bottle covering the nipple with my index finger so the milk doesn't get out.

"Bracelets, painting, uhhh chalk, color, that's it," she shrugs as I sit down at the table. "Sounds like a lot... but I'm sure we can get it done," I put the bottle in Riley's mouth, "we can still make the cupcakes". "Only if I can decorate it," she bites her bacon. "You got it," I giggle.

"Gosh, you're messy," I support the bottle with one hand then wipe Mari's mouth with the other. She giggles at me showing her two bottom teeth that are almost there, you can see them coming in through her gums but they're not fully there yet. "Very funny," I playfully roll my eyes.

"I'M HERE! THE BEST IS HERE!" I hear Rosalia yell when she gets in the house. "It's too early for that," I shake my head, "aren't you supposed to be with your friend?". "I missed my family, especially my assistant. Where is he?" she gives me a side hug. "Lord," I mumble looking down.

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