Pregnant|Part 24

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Chris and I haven't talked to each other 2 days

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Chris and I haven't talked to each other 2 days. I miss him. I don't think he knows how much it hurts me when we fight and technically, we're not even fighting because it wasn't that serious. Right after i stormed out of the office with Nali, we started arguing. It was basically just cursing at each other until he decided it was too much and left.

I don't know where he went, but he came back and slept on the couch.

He won't even look at me.

So, i've been in the hospital with Rosa ever since. "Where's your man?" Rosa looks up at me. "Not talking to me," i twist my lip as i finish her edges, "because i hit him the dick..." . "Now, why would you do that?" i can sense the annoyance in her tone. "He took my phone and wouldn't give it back and got all personal," i sigh.

"Anyways, focus on your man, not mines. Yeah, your sister tells me everything," i playfully roll my eyes. "My man is fine, and i know she does which is why she's like my little mouse," she shrugs. "Okay," i shake my head and close the edge control, setting it down on the stand.

"I'm serious, we're closer than you think," I don't find that hard to believe, i can't get them off of each other even tho they fight like teenagers. "Off of that, show me what he looks like!" i clap. "You're hype," she scoffs and facetimes him. "I didn't say facetime him," i roll my eyes.

"I did," he answers like right away. Damn. "My mommy says hi," she puts on her camera on me. "Hi, mommy," he hides his face. "Hiii, don't hurt my daughter or take her virginity or that's your ass," I sarcastically smile. "Nah, you're good," and then they talked for forever until she fell asleep.

Then I went home and he wanted to give looks.

"Don't look at me like that," I roll my eyes at him. So mature. "Where have you been for the last two days?" he knows exactly where i've been. "With my daughter," i furrow my brows and take the baby out of her car seat. "For two whole days? I find that hard to believe," is he serious? "I don't have time for you right now," i sigh.

I take Mari upstairs and put her in the nursery and lay Nali in her bed. He wants to start shit and i'm not wit it, and i didn't get to take my meds today? Oh, it's over. i make sure i close the door and have the baby monitor with me just in case the baby wakes up.

Now i'm heated.

As soon as i go downstairs he's still pouting. "I domt understand what you're pouting for, you started with me," i shake my head. "I didn't start anything, you were gone for two days straight, i have a right to know where you've been," he stands up and follows me into the kitchen.

"Well, you would know if you ever cared to check up, but no, you turned right to suspicion," I roll my eyes. "When you're gone for two days of course i'm gonna be suspicious of what you're doing, cause only god knows what you do when i'm not around," He's so dramatic.

"Don't you think if i were cheating i would leave the kids here? I wouldn't bring my kids to listen to me get railed, no matter how much i wanted some dick," the sad part is, he knows that Rosa is in the hospital and i don't just leave my kids in hospitals, i don't trust that. Plus, Rosa posts everything on instagram, so he should know better.

Why would i cheat if i was just sucking his dick the day we started arguing?

"Then why have you been talking to Cesar about him coming down here? We move in a week what's the point in that?" now he's getting loud. "Because we have kids together, 3 at that, and i'm sorry that my kids wanna have communication with their dad," i cross my arms.

"You hide a lot too, why are you talking to your friends about you being pregnant?" he's just finding anything to argue about. I can't keep it together. I take whatever is near me and throw it across the kitchen, "BECAUSE I WANTED A BABY WITH YOU!". Thank god nobody is here. He takes a deep breath and slowly stops my hand from throwing anything else.

"Stop it," but somehow, he always knows how to calm me down. It's confusing. I can be so angry at him one minute and then he can make me so happy. I'm crying, we're kissing, and then we're pounding it out. I close my eyes as I reach up and hook my fingers into his.

"I hate it when we fight," i exhale. "I'm sorry," he uses his free hand and softly rubs my cheek. "It's fine," i yawn and reach for my phone that's buzzing like crazy. I stretch a little and call Dominique back. "I know you're not getting dick this late," she laughs. "I was," i giggle.

"Get dressed, im coming over, and we're gonna talk," she says. "About what?" i pull my bra and underwear on. "It's a surprise," she chuckles. "You know what else is a surprise? My titty," i pull my boob out of my bra and flash her. "Ew," she furrows her brows. "Christopher is laughing at you," i steal his black shirt and dark gray sweatpants.

"Christopher can suck it," she hands up. "Hater," he chuckles. "We can fight AGAIN Christopher," this is how they joke around. "I'm ready. I can take you," he puts his fists up. "Please, you can't even take Monse when she goes crazy," she scoffs. "She's not wrong," I look back at him.

"I'll see you soon," she laughs and hangs up. I know she's gonna be a while so I lay back down and give Chris suckie suckie. Now I see why Rosa calls me dick breath. I let too much slide now that i think about it... "I'm here!" thank god he came on time. "Monse... you and the dick sucking has got to stop," she hugs me when i get downstairs.

"And then you come and hug me with dick breath?" she shakes her head. "Shut up," i blow my breath in her face. "That's dirty, but anyways dick breath, sit down," how you gonna drag me to my table in my house? "That's funny, Rosa calls me that too," i shake my head.

"You should host a class for sucking dick, call it dick sucking class," she smiles sarcastically. "Ew-no, get to the point," i sat down. "Okay," she pulls out a black ribbon wrapped box.

 "Okay," she pulls out a black ribbon wrapped box

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kinda like this.

"Open it," she smiles. I undo the ribbon softly and slowly open it. I pull the tissue paper out and there's a framed picture of us when i was pregnant. "Aww," i take it out of the box, "Domi, i love it". I smile. "I know you do which is why you should lift up the inside of the box," she smiles.

I lift up the inside and there's a pacifier, an ultrasound picture, and a positive pregnancy test. I swear i almost screamed, but i wasn't risking Mariella's sleep. "I'm finally gonna be an aunt and not a mom!" i squeeze her to death. "Don't speak too soon cause we know you," she laughs.

"Stop," i give her a serious look. "I'm just sayin," she shrugs.


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