Busy| part 33

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It's hot as fuck in this kitchen

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It's hot as fuck in this kitchen. I wanna kill myself. "Hey," Cesar's voice dragged me out of my thoughts. "Tell your brother to get some air conditioning in this kitchen," i fan myself off with a paper plate. "You can clock out. I convinced him to let you go," He leans on the counter. "You're a life saver. I need to shower, badly," i close the container of rice.

"I would hug and kiss all over you, but it's too hot," he chuckles. "I'm glad you considered that," i grab my purse off of the hook. "We're going out tonight, by the way," he tells me as we walk out of the kitchen. "And where are my kids gonna be?" I ask, digging around for my phone. "Moms house. All weekend," he wiggles his brows at me.

"Great," i smile when i finally find it. "Here's your check. Thank you," Oscar smiles at me, sliding me a slip of paper. "De nada," i shove the check in my purse as we walk out. "You good?" Cesar opens the car door for me. "Yeah, i'm just tired," i lean my head back on the seat. "You can get all the sleep you want, but be ready by nine," he pulls off. "Where we goin'?" i ask.

"Don't worry about it," he shrugs. "Well, i'm worried about it," i laugh, "i never know with you." "True. But you'll eat good i promise. I know you're only worried about food," he scoffs. "Not true. I like to have fun... sometimes," i unlock my phone. "We still have another party to plan, trust me, food in my body is the least of my worries," i shake my head.

"If you would've listened to me and had their parties on the same day, we wouldn't be going through this," he sighs. "Well, it's a first birthday. It's gotta be all about her," i wave my hand around. I stay silent as he runs a red light. "Cesar! Are you crazy!" i punch his arm. "I didn't see any cars," he shrugs. "You could go to jail!" i cross my arms. "Like you care!" he sucks his teeth. "I've done worse," i wave my hand around.

"Oh, we know," he mumbles, "how we met? You doing illegal shit." "Everyone's sold a little crack before," i roll my eyes. "Um, no. I wanna know where you got the shit," he scoffs. "I have my ways," i shrug. "Care to say," he rests his hand on my thigh. "You'll kill me. It's better not to reveal those details. I'd rather get pregnant again," I turn the music up louder to tune him out.

He turns it right back down. "Monse.. if anything, you'll kill me for getting mad," he sucks his teeth. "Yeah, i am a little coo-koo," i wink. "That's way below an understatement," he stops the car, "and i'll gladly get you pregnant again. Baby number five, question mark?" "No," i open the car door and get out. "Then spill your secrets," he reaches over me and unlocks the front door.

"Kiss my ass, Cesar," shake my head and slide past him into the house. "Willingly," his smirk burned through the back of my head. "You're so fucking nasty. Sit down somewhere," i hang my purse up on the hook behind the door. "And if you follow me upstairs, you'll get kicked out," I flip him off as i walked up the stairs.

I forgot how exhausting it was being around him. He's like a kid in a candy store. Except he likes other candy. My candy. The more i push him away, the more i miss him. "I can smell your thoughts, and my intuition is that you miss me," i heard the door shut. I smiled at him and throw my converse into the closet.

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