5 Months Later| Part 10

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sooo I did a big ass time jump bc I literally had no ideas... if you're not slow and realized 5 months later means Monse's 5 months and a half pregnant then congratulations you're not an idiot :)

 if you're not slow and realized 5 months later means Monse's 5 months and a half pregnant then congratulations you're not an idiot :)

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"Stop moving around in there," I lay a hand on my belly. "Can I feel her?" Rosa's eyes light up. "Yeah," I place her hand where she's moving. I'm naming her Analia, since Cesar and I are on a break right now I get to pick her name. "Can we paint now?" she pouts.

"Yup," I hold onto the nightstand so I can get up. "Ven," I reach for her hand, she grabs mine. I grab the paint along with the supplies. We go into the sunroom where all our paintings are. I lay an old sheet down so she doesn't get the paint on anything.

I take off my shirt then put circular band-aids on my nipples so she can't see them... even tho she has them herself... "You gonna write her name?" I ask. "I don't know how to spell it," she looks up at me. I spell it out letter by letter so she can paint it on my stomach.

"Did I do good?" she asks. "You did great," I high-five her. "What are you guys doing?" June walks in then sits down with us. "Painting on the baby!" Rosa exclaims. "How was class?" he asks. "Boring. Typed a five-page essay on slavery," I roll my eyes.

"You must love college," he playfully hits my arm. "Of course," I smile sarcastically. "How long do you have her for?" he hands me a container of food. "Cesar messed up the schedule, so I have her until tomorrow," I hand Rosa one of the containers with a fork.

"That's good, girl," he gives me a fork for myself. "I guess," I chuckle. "Lookit! I drawed a rose 'cause that's what I am!" she points to a rose referring to her name. "That's so beautiful," I gush taking a bite of my food. "Let me see that," he reaches for a paintbrush, she hands him one.

He dips the brush in the blue paint then writes his name on my stomach. We just do art on my stomach now... They paint for a good 20 minutes until eventually, he has to go. Rosa and I are on my bed watching a movie on my laptop eating popcorn.

"Why can't I just live with you forever?" Rosa asks. "I wish you could, but Papi loves you too," I press my lips together. "No, he doesn't," she turns away from me. "Rosalia look at me. Your Papi does love you," I turn her over so she's facing me. "No," she closes her eyes shaking her head.

I take a deep breath, "well, baby why do you feel like he doesn't? He loves you just as much as I do". "Because he never does stuff with me, you do," she looks like she's gonna cry. "Do you ask him?" I wanna be angry, I am angry, but I gotta keep it together as the therapist said.

It's not her job to ask him to spend time with her as a father that's top priority. Wanted a whole other baby, but can't even take care of the child he has now. Cunt. "Yes, but he always says not right now," I can see her eyes watering. "I'm sorry," I genuinely am.

I pull her into the tightest hug I can. I hate seeing her cry 'cause then I cry... like I am right now. "I'm so sorry we couldn't do more for you," I can feel her tears on my shirt. I sniffle up my tears pulling away, I wipe her tears with my thumbs.

I cup the sides of her face so she's looking up at me, "mommy's gonna do the best she can for more time with you, yes? I love you and I'm sorry that he doesn't do anything with or for you. We don't need him, okay?". She nods. "I love you. More than anything and anyone," I kiss her lips.


Cesar's here to pick Rosa up whose throwing a fit because she doesn't wanna go. "Rosa, I'm sorry, but you have to go," I try calming her down. He picks her up from behind, she kicks and screams as he's trying to take her out of the house.

"Okay, put her down. You're making it worse," I try grabbing her from him but he's not letting me. "Put her down, please Cesar," I'm basically begging him. "You're just giving her what she wants," he holds her tighter. "I'm not. You're making it worse like I said," I shake my head.

She's trying to get to me, I'm trying to get to her, but he just doesn't get the memo that she doesn't wanna go with him. "Give me my daughter," I clench my fists. "No," he tries covering her mouth to keep her from screaming. "GET OFF!" I try removing his hand from over her mouth.

She's breathing heavily as the tears fall down her face. "She can't fucking breathe! Let her go!" I try prying his hand off, but he pushes me back making me stumble backward. Being 4'11 only goes so well. I kick him in his area and she jumps down as he groans.

"Go to my room!" I demand. I shove him out of the front door, being sure to lock it.



~Rosa saying Cesar doesn't love her?

~Rosa throwing a fit when Cesar came to get her?

~The pick-up situation?

~"mommy's gonna do the best she can for more time with you, yes? I love you and I'm sorry that he doesn't do anything with or for you. We don't need him, okay?". Thoughts and opinions on that?

~It's not her job to ask him to spend time with her as a father that's top priority. Wanted a whole other baby, but can't even take care of the child he has now. - Thoughts and opinions on that?

~Monse and Cesar splitting up?

~"Yes, but he always says not right now," Thoughts and opinions on that?

~What should happen next? List ideas please :)

~I have a new story called 'Games| Monse Finnie' check it out <3

~Make sure to VOTE and answer all questions above :)

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