California| Part 25

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"I'm tired," i breathed heavily as Chris and I finished setting up Rosa's bed

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"I'm tired," i breathed heavily as Chris and I finished setting up Rosa's bed. Rosalia can't move anything because of her leg, so I let her go to her little boyfriends for the rest of the week until we get everything set up. Nali and the baby are with Jane, and the twins are with Chris's sister. Apparently Cesar is over at Jane's too...

We'll see how that works out, especially with Nali.

Her room is the first one we set up. I know she's gonna wanna come home when Cesar gets there, but she most likely will try and sleep with me instead of her own room. I don't know why i didn't just keep her here because if the baby sees she's leaving, she's gonna wanna leave too.

We actually got a lot done, considering we got here kinda later in the day. The only rooms we have to set up are, the baby's nursery and both of the twins room. "You wanna hold my hand while i shit?" i rest my head on the bed frame. "Yeah, you're delirious," Chris tucks hair behind my ear. "No, i need to shit," i chuckle.

"I'll hold your hand, but if you stink, i'm leaving," he rolls his eyes. "You can wear a mask," i chuckle. "Come on," he rolls his eyes and picks me up. I wanna go to sleep so bad. Yeah, yeah, yeah, i did my business and tried falling asleep, but i couldn't. No matter how tired i was.


It's at least 6 something in the morning when i hear my phone going off. Literally only got 3 hours of sleep. "Hello?" i could barely get the word out. Once i listen in, i can hear Nali screaming at the top of her lungs. "What's going on?" i furrow my brows. "Uhh, Nali is throwing a tantrum," i can hear Jane trying to calm her down.

"She always does that at this time of morning," i grumble. "She was fine until Cesar got here- i- don't throw that!" i hear something shatter: "I'm on my way," i hang up. It's too early for this. I stretch for like 5 minutes, before actually getting up. I look over at Chris sleeping and i just wanna suck his face off.

But i don't.

But i want to, so i'm going to. I just start kissing all over his face. I sigh and pat his cheek lightly. I put some clothes on, and pack a few things because Nali likes to complain about how hungry and thirsty she is during a car ride and it's way too early for that. It's hot out here, i'm not used to that since it's literally cold all the time in New York.

I'm too little to be out there shivering, so this is actually nice. I pull out of the big ass driveway and try not to speed to Janes house. I miss Rosa, it's been weird without her here and she's probably sucking face with her little boyfriend. I had a bad feeling about letting her go but she basically begged me and she never goes anywhere so.

I didn't really have much of a choice...

As long as he doesn't put his dick in my daughter, we're good. Just thinking about it makes me mad. He's reallyyy nice, it's just... all boys worry about is sex and weed, and Rosa's hard to miss. Especially since she grew an ass out of nowhere. At 11, almost 12 years old...

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