The "P" Word...| Part 9

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I'm so sorry to the people that didn't want Monse to be... yk and I honestly get that considering how many issues she has herself, plus the hormones, but my friend and I made a bet (I of course lost) and she won, so this is for her :) @nocap_nyla I make Monse pregnant in most of my stories only bc I literally have no ideas and kids low-key be spicin' It up...

 yk and I honestly get that considering how many issues she has herself, plus the hormones, but my friend and I made a bet (I of course lost) and she won, so this is for her :) @nocap_nyla I make Monse pregnant in most of my stories only bc I lite...

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"You gotta feed her, Mami," I hand Rosa a bag of chameleon food. "Is she gonna bite me?" she clenches the bag. "No, not unless you're mean to her. Just put a little food on your hand then let her eat off it," I grab the bag to pour some food on my hand, "like this".

I put my hand out and she starts eating the food. "See? Now you do it," I pour some on her hand. She slowly puts her hand out in front of her. "I told you she wouldn't bite," I laugh. "Yeah, Lizzy likes me!" she giggles. "Good," I pour some food into her bowl. "Hey," Cesar walks into her room.

"Hey," I smile closing the food. "You still wanna talk?" he asks. "Yeah, wait up," I set the bag on the dresser. "Hola, mi Bella Princesa," he kisses her cheek. "Hola, Papi," she kisses him back. "We're gonna go talk real quick, baby," I tell her. "Okay," she stares into Lizzy's tank.

We go down to our room and sit down on the bed. "I think I'm pregnant..." I play with my fingers. "What do you mean?" he furrows his brows. "I haven't been feeling like myself lately, I threw up twice the other night, then once this morning," I tell him. "Maybe it's the bug," he shrugs.

"No, it's not. I've been having heartburn and this is exactly what happened when I was pregnant with Rosalia," I bite my lip, "I already bought a test". I pull it out of my nightstand. "let's do it now... the sooner the better," he grabs my hand taking me into our bathroom.

I know he's discreetly wishing I am...

I pee on the sticks then wait... He wraps his arms around my waist, rests his head on my shoulder, "you nervous?". "No," I lie, I know he knows I'm lying considering I'm holding the tests with my hands shaking like crazy.

"Okay, yes... I am. We can't even get our relationship together, yet be good parents to the little girl we already have. How are we gonna do this, Cesar?" I look up at him. "We always find a way. I know we're not the best parents, but everything will fall in place, I promise," he kisses my neck.

I take a deep breath hearing the test beep... I flip it over and gasp turning around to face him. "We're gonna have a baby... we're gonna have a baby. CESAR WE'RE GONNA HAVE A BABY!" I jump on him. Gotta act excited even though I'm anxious as fuck, I wanna cry so bad right now.

"I know, I know, take it easy, mama," he squeezes me. "We gotta tell Rosa. She's gonna be a big sister, oh, my gosh they're gonna be so-" he cuts me off, "okay, okay calmate. Let's go". He giggles putting me down. We go down to Rosa's room, she's taking pictures of Lizzy...

"Rosie?" We walk fully in. "Yeah?" she takes her out of the tank. "Come here," we sit on her floor, she sits with us so we're basically in a circle of three. "Papi and I are gonna have a baby. you're gonna be a big sister," I smile but bite my lip while doing so.

Oh, shit she's getting up.

She jumps on me causing me to fall back, she's on top squeezing me tight, I eventually squeeze her back too. Cesar falls back lying next to us, "which means you have to be a good girl for mama so you don't stress her out, okay?". he plays with a stray curl from her bun, receiving a nod.


We already told all of our friends and family, they were all supportive along excited considering they all wanted this... of course. I'm gonna be 4 weeks in 2 days. "You have like a thousand tattoos," Maria laughs as she massages my lower back. "I only have 5," I playfully roll my eyes.

"I've never seen one of them til' now," she moves up to my shoulder. "I have the Chinese alphabet on the back of my neck, my 'Monsar' tattoo on my wrist, the music one on my other wrist, one that says 'Faith' below my boob, then the one that has Rosa's name behind my ear".

"Damn. Where was I when all these tattoos come in place?" she snorts. "Probably drunk," I laugh. "You're right. Now ima draw on your back," she claps. "Girl, what?" I look behind me to look at her. "Henna tats. Do it for the girls," she whines. "Fine," I roll my eyes.

"GIRLS!" she yells for them. They come into the room. "We're gonna draw on her back. Come on," they get on the bed. "Don't get it on mommy's bed. She'll be mad," Rosa tells them causing me to chuckle. I shiver a little when they start to draw on me with the henna.

"Can I draw on the baby, mommy?" Rosa asks. "Yeah," I carefully sit up. I sit on the floor so that they can. "You gonna write your name?" I ask. She's very advanced let's just say that. "You're lucky she can even write or spell. She can't do any of that," Maria draws a flower on my stomach.

"We taught her already. We want her ready for school," I giggle. "I can do the computer," Carla rolls her eyes. "Yes, you can," Mari smiles at her.


Just wanted to update :)


~How do you suppose this pregnancy's gonna go?

~"Okay, yes... I am. We can't even get our relationship together, yet be good parents to the little girl we already have. How are we gonna do this, Cesar?" - Thoughts and opinions on that?

~I have a new story called 'Games| Monse Finnie' check it out <3

~Make sure to VOTE and answer all questions above :)

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