Physical| Part 27

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 I have been sooo tired for no reason

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I have been sooo tired for no reason. I usually get up at like 5-5:30, so that i can get everything done around the house before the kids get up and they get up around 9:30, but i've been waking up at like 8. Which isn't normal because if i do sleep in, i get up at 6.

Aside from that whole thing, Mari hates Cesar, so that's great. Especially cause she thinks Chris is her dad. (great, meaning in a sarcastic way) Rosa's been a lot calmer since we got here, which is surprising because anything makes her mad. Aka me- "Okay, no. Don't bite mommy's leg," i pick Mari up off of the floor.

She turns 8 months today :)

I plop myself back onto the couch and take a deep breath. I need to grow or something cause this 4'11 shit ain't cuttin it. I'm literally at Chris's armpit... he can barely put his arm around me. I'm like a piece of paper to him. "Stop being a bum," He wraps his arms around me from behind the couch. "No, i'm tired," i whine.

"You're always tiredddd," he mocks me. "I know," i shrug. He picks me up by my armpits and carry's me into the kitchen. "That was pointless," i cross my arms. "The girls wanna make a dance video with you," he knows he's lying out of his ass. "No, we don't," Rosa mumbles.

"Why not?" Chris asks. "Because i said we don't. Problem?" why does she choose now to get smart? "Watch your mouth," i look back at her. I can tell he took that personally. "No one got smart," she leans against the counter. "You did. Do you want fucked up?" i scoff.

"Over a small comment? No," she thinks it's funny. "Since you think it's funny and cute to get smart, be grown and fight me," i get in her face. "No one's tryna be cute or grown, that's just how you're taking it," she looks down at me. "Get smart again, see what happens," i get closer to her face, "cause i'll do more than hit you, believe that".

"Do it then," before i can do anything, Chris pulls me back. I managed my way out of his grip and aimed right for her face. Chris eventually got us off of each other. "I'll keep fucking you up until you learn how to respect adults," i wipe the blood off of my nose.

"Okay," she goes upstairs. Chris grips me up by my wrists, "you need fucking help, and not those little meds you're on. Help". He's got this look in his eye that told me he wasn't playing. He lets me go, but he was gripping me up so hard, i stumbled back when he let me go. Before he could walk away, i threw up all over the place.

"Come on, yo," he sucks his teeth and basically pushes me into the downstairs bathroom. "Stop being so rough," i cry. "Now you know how it feels," he takes my shirt off and puts the one he has on, on me and cleans up my face. "I'm taking her to wherever she wants to go until you can get it together, until then, you'll just have to find a way to talk to her," he's not wrong, but she's not his daughter.

"She's not your daughter, you don't get to make the decisions. I am her mother, and she's not going anywhere unless i say so," i furrow my brows. "YOU'RE NOT OKAY, MONSE!" he yells in my face. "Fuck you," i roll my eyes and hop off of the sink.

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